17.502.010 Legislative intent and findings-Definitions.
17.502.020 Generally.
17.502.030 Conditions for dedication requirements.
17.502.040 Exceptions to provisions of section 17.502.020.
17.502.050 Dedication procedure.
17.502.060 Improvement procedure.
17.502.070 Execution of improvement agreements.
17.502.080 Bonds generally-Form.
17.502.090 Cash bond.
17.502.100 Surety bond.
17.502.110 Bonds-Partial release upon completion of substantial portion of required improvement.
17.502.120 Bonds-Term, exoneration.
17.502.130 Assurance of improvements.
17.502.140 Requirements for plans-Cost for engineering services-Encroachment permit.
17.502.150 Issuance of building or off-street parking permit.
17.502.160 Lots affected by street widening.
17.502.170 Dedications to conform to right-of-way lines.
17.502.180 Alternate dedication standards.
17.502.190 Standard street sections.
17.502.200 Variances and deviations.
17.502.210 Appeal procedure.
17.502.220 City may share cost of making unusual improvements.
17.502.230 Center of street-Street alignment.
17.502.240 Applications for certain off-street parking facility or building permits.
17.502.250 "Effective date" defined.
A. It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to require a building permittee or parking facility permittee to dedicate property for street purposes and to improve such dedicated property in accordance with the requirements and standards set forth herein. The council finds and determines that the regulations set forth in this chapter are both reasonable and necessary for the following reasons:
1. The population growth and industrial growth of the Sacramento metropolitan area over the past decades has been accompanied by an even greater increase in the number of vehicles used on the streets within the city with resulting street and highway deficiencies; and
2. Plans for the improvements of streets within the city have been prepared but that the lack of public funds for the implementation of such plans has prevented the attainment of goals set forth therein and will prevent their attainment for decades in the future; and
3. The improvement and development of property for uses other than those set forth in section 17.502.040 generate an increase of traffic in the immediate vicinity of such property and that the improvements of such streets confer a direct benefit upon the owners and users of the developed property.
B. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this chapter:
1. "Adopted street standards" means the standard street sections adopted on October 9, 1998, by city council Resolution 98-510.
2. "Right-of-way guidelines" means the right-of-way width guidelines adopted on May 6, 1999, by city council Resolution 99-209. (Ord. 2017-0009 § 11)
A. No building or structure shall be erected or enlarged, and no building permit shall be issued therefor, on any lot if the lot abuts on a dedicated street, or a future street designated on a community plan, or on a street right-of-way designated in the current right-of-way width guidelines established pursuant to section 17.502.170, unless:
1. The one-half of the street or streets located on the same side of the street centerline as the lot has been dedicated and improved for the full street frontage of the lot and one traffic lane on the far side of the street for travel is constructed in accordance with the dedication and improvement standards for such street or streets pursuant to sections 17.502.170, 17.502.180, 17.502.190 and other applicable provisions of this chapter; or
2. Such dedication and improvements have been assured to the satisfaction of the director of public works.
B. The dedication and improvement requirements of this chapter shall also apply to the construction or alteration of all off-street parking areas, off-street loading or unloading areas, off-street pickup and delivery areas, and storage, sale, rental or service areas which are subject to the requirements of chapter 10.24. The term "building permit," as used in this chapter, includes the permit required by chapter 10.24.
C. As used in this chapter, the word "lot" means and includes one lot or parcel of record, or more than one individual lots or parcels of record which have been combined for purposes of development, construction or improvement as a single unit of land.
D. An owner of real property fronting a public street that is improved with street paving and curbs and gutters shall not be issued a building permit for new construction when concrete sidewalks have not been installed unless the owner, either as part of the construction covered by the building permit or under separate agreement satisfactory to the building inspector, constructs public sidewalks to city standards.
1. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to all property in other than residential use except in industrial areas where a "V" type curb and gutter has been installed.
2. The provisions of this subsection shall only apply to property in residential use in blocks where the frontage of existing sidewalks, when added to the frontage of unimproved properties, constitutes more than 50 % of the front footage of such block.
3. The term "block" as used in this section means property facing one side of any street between an intersecting street and the next intersecting street or between an intersection street and the end of a street which terminates in other than an intersection.
4. The city council may, upon application of a property owner affected by the provisions herein, waive the requirements for installation of sidewalks because of unusual circumstances or hardship. (Ord. 2017-0009 § 11)
Dedication requirements shall be subject to the following conditions:
A. The maximum area of land required to be dedicated shall not exceed 25% of the total lot area. In no event shall such dedication reduce the lot below a width of 50 feet or an area of 5,000 square feet.
B. No such dedication shall be required with respect to those portions of such a lot presently occupied by a building which was existing on the effective date and which will continue to exist following the completion of the work proposed in the building permit.
C. No additional improvement shall be required on such a lot where complete roadway, curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements exist within the present dedication contiguous thereto; provided, however, required additional dedications for future street construction shall be made.
D. No building or structure shall be erected on any such lot after the effective date within the area of dedication required by this chapter. (Ord. 2017-0009 § 11)