17.502.170   Dedications to conform to right-of-way lines.
   A.   Dedications required under this chapter shall conform to and shall be governed by the right-of-way widths established for city streets under all applicable provisions and procedures of the adopted street standards and the right-of-way width guidelines, provided that, in the event of any conflict between the adopted street standards and the right-of-way width guidelines, the required dedication shall conform to the adopted street standards then in effect; and provided further that:
      1.   For any streets designated as an on-street bikeway in the Sacramento bikeway master plan adopted by city council Resolution No. 76-195 or any successor resolution then in effect, an additional 10 feet of right-of-way width shall be dedicated, unless the adopted street standards for the subject roadway includes bike lanes.
      2.   In the event of any conflict between the right-of-way width specified above and a right-of-way width which may be specified in an element of the general plan or in any applicable specific plan, the required dedication shall conform to the applicable general plan or specific plan requirements.
   B.   A copy of the city's current right-of-way width guidelines shall be maintained for public review in the office of the city clerk, and also shall be included in the city of Sacramento department of public works design and procedures manual. (Ord. 2017-0009 § 11)