Division VI
Article I . Architectural Design and Site Development Standards
17.600.100 Applicable design guidelines.
17.600.105 Architectural design for single-unit dwellings.
17.600.110 Architectural design for duplex dwellings.
17.600.115 Relocated rear yard for corner lots.
17.600.120 Requirements for through-lots.
17.600.125 Allowable projections into required setback areas.
17.600.130 Exception to maximum setback to accommodate driveways.
17.600.135 Open space for multi-unit dwellings.
17.600.140 Open space for offices.
17.600.145 Roof structures.
17.600.150 Architectural design for vertical mixed-use development.
17.600.155 Odd-shaped lots and nonconforming lots.
17.600.160 Standards for uses within one-quarter mile of a light rail station.
17.600.165 Mechanical equipment screening.
17.600.170 Minimum lot size-Estate lots.
Article II . Design Review Districts
17.600.200 Design review districts-Purpose and effect.
17.600.210 Procedure for establishing, amending, and dissolving design review districts.
17.600.220 Design guidelines for design review districts.
Article III . Registered House Plans
17.600.300 Registered house plans-Effect.
17.600.310 Request for approval of registered house plans.
17.600.320 Process for approval of registered house plans.
17.600.330 Policies and procedures.
For purposes of site plan and design review, and whenever design review is otherwise required under this title, the design guidelines applicable to a development project are as follows:
A. Citywide design guidelines. Subject to subsections B, C, D, and E of this section,
1. The Single-Unit Dwelling and Duplex Dwelling Design Guidelines, as adopted by resolution of the City Council, applies to single-unit dwelling and duplex dwelling development;
2. The Citywide Infill Housing Design Standards, as adopted by resolution of the City Council, applies to all housing development projects with two or more dwelling units, including a single-unit dwelling with an attached accessory dwelling unit, that are either residential-only project or part of a mixed-use development in which the residential use constitutes at least two-thirds of the total gross building square footage;
3. The Multi-Unit Dwelling Design Guidelines, as adopted by resolution of the City Council, applies to multi-unit dwelling and mixed-use development;
4. The Citywide Commercial Design Guidelines, as adopted by resolution of the City Council, applies to nonresidential development; and
5. The Industrial and Business Park Design Guidelines, as adopted by resolution of the City Council, applies to industrial development.
B. Design review districts. The design guidelines applicable to a design review district apply to development located in that district.
C. Historic districts and landmarks. The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and the applicable provisions of the historic district plan, if any, apply to development in that historic district or involving a landmark.
D. Planned unit developments. The guidelines and schematic plan adopted for a planned unit development apply to development in that planned unit development.
E. Special planning districts. The guidelines identified for a special planning district in division IV or, if none are specified, the guidelines under subsection A, apply to development in that special planning district. (Ord. 2020-0031 § 2; Ord. 2019-0022 § 2; Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)
The architectural standards in this section apply to single-unit dwellings.
A. Main entrance. The primary dwelling entrance shall be accessed from the front yard or street side yard and shall be oriented to and visible from a street. If the dwelling has steps leading to an entry visible from any street, the steps and any enclosure surrounding the steps shall be attached to a permanent foundation and designed and constructed as an integral part of the exterior of the dwelling.
B. Foundation; exterior appearance of foundation.
1. The dwelling shall have a solid or perimeter foundation. Alternatively, if the dwelling has a pier foundation, interior foundation, or other type of foundation that is not a solid or perimeter foundation, the dwelling shall have a solid perimeter curb or skirt made of concrete, masonry, or other solid nonmetal, all-weather material.
2. The covering material used on a substantial portion of each exterior perimeter wall of the dwelling shall touch or overlap the foundation or the solid perimeter curb or skirt.
C. Roofing overhang. The dwelling shall have eave and gable overhangs of not less than one foot measured from the vertical exterior side of the structure, unless the overhangs would be incompatible with the overall architectural style of the structure, as determined by the design director.
D. Roofing material. No dwelling shall have a roof covered with continuous rolled metal.
E. Exterior siding. No dwelling shall have exterior perimeter walls covered with corrugated or reflective metal siding.
F. Windows on front façade required. The dwelling shall have windows on the front façade with views from active use areas such as living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens.
G. Minimum width and depth. The dwelling shall have a minimum width and depth of 20 feet in the R-1 and R-2 zones.
H. Garages and carports.
1. A garage or carport may be attached to or detached from the dwelling. The roofing material on a garage or carport shall be the same as the roofing material used on the dwelling. The exterior covering material used on a garage or carport shall be the same as an exterior covering material used on a substantial portion of the dwelling.
2. Garages and carports shall be set back from the front property line farther than, or equal to, the front façade of the dwelling. An enclosed garage or carport shall meet the residential accessory building and use regulations in chapter 17.624.
I. Mobilehomes not permitted in central city. A mobilehome used as a single-unit dwelling is not permitted within the central city. (Ord. 2019-0022 § 3; Ord. 2017-0061 § 71; Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)