Police Pension Fund
37.01 Creation
37.02 Power to levy tax
37.03 Moneys constituting the fund
Social Security Benefits
37.10 Social Security policy
37.11 Village President authorized to execute agreement
37.12 Agreement incorporated by reference
37.13 Withholdings
37.14 Employer contributions
37.15 Treasurer's reports
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
37.20 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
37.21 Employer-paid employee contributions
37.22 Service credit for military service prior to IMRF participation
Residency Requirements
37.25 Positions requiring village residency
37.26 Residency date required for new employees
Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency
37.35 Participation in Agency
37.36 Agency powers
37.37 Village liability
Use of Village Vehicles
37.45 Use of village vehicles by employees
Employee Recognition Program
37.50 Employee recognition program
Village Safety Manual
37.60 Adoption of village safety manual
Ethical Conduct
37.70 Definitions
37.71 Prohibited political activities
37.72 Gift ban
37.73 Ethics Advisor
37.74 Ethics Commission
Elected Officials
37.85 Establishment of alternate retired elected official benefits
37.86 Prohibited elected officials' compensation
37.87 Elected officials’ health insurance benefits
37.88 [Reserved]
37.89 Elected officials' administrative compliance
Voluntary Retirement Program
37.95 Voluntary retirement plan for regular full-time employees adopted
37.99 Penalty
Appendix A: Personnel Manual