General Provisions
   59.001   Definitions
   59.002   Statutes, bylaws, rules and regulations
   59.003   Additional connections not mandatory
   59.004   Unlawful deposits
   59.005   Amendments to sewer provisions
   59.006   Notice
   59.007   Severability
   59.008   Compliance with state or federal requirements
   59.009   Tenant responsibility
   59.010   Termination of discharge
   59.011   Violator to pay damages
   59.012   Falsifying information
   59.013   Statutory authority
   59.014   Emergency suspensions
Power and Authority of Inspectors
   59.025   Proper credentials or identification required
   59.026   Right of entry
   59.027   Safety standards
   59.028   Entry, work to be in accordance with easement
Sewer Regulations
   59.040   Privies, vaults, septic tanks and cesspools prohibited
   59.041   Private sewer system to comply with state and local regulations
   59.042   Discharge of wastewater to natural outlets
   59.043   Connection to public sewers required
   59.044   Permit required
   59.045   Classes of permits; applications
   59.046   Costs to be borne by owner
   59.047   Persons qualified for sewer tap permit
   59.048   Cancellation of permit for failure to comply with notice
   59.049   Approval required for excavations
   59.050   Separate building sewer required for every building
   59.051   Old building sewers connected to new buildings
   59.052   Design of sewers
   59.053   Sewer extensions
   59.054   Size of building sewer
   59.055   Elevation of building sewer
   59.056   Low building drain to be lifted
   59.057   Excavations
   59.058   Connection of building sewer with public sewer
   59.059   Inspection
   59.060   Excavations to be guarded
   59.061   Maintenance
   59.062   Insurance
   59.063   Connection of building sewer with public sewer to conform with district standards
   59.064   Restoration of public property
   59.065   Requirements for sewer backflow prevention devices
   59.066   Grease, oil and sand interceptors
Prohibited Discharges and Illicit Connections and Associated Requirements
   59.080   Certain waters prohibited
   59.081   Removal of unpolluted waters from treatment facility
   59.082   Connection of floor drain or pit drain prohibited
   59.083   Grease traps and grease interceptors
   59.084   Other prohibited discharges
   59.085   Liability for damage
Connection to or Extension of Sewers Outside Corporate Limits
   59.100   Authority of Board; compliance with ordinances and state law
   59.101   Permit required
   59.102   Connections to sewer system outside the territorial limits of the district
Enforcement and Remedies
   59.115   Enforcement
   59.116   Appeal of notice of violation
   59.117   Enforcement measures after appeal
   59.118   Cost of abatement of the violation
   59.119   Injunctive relief
   59.120   Violations deemed a public nuisance
Rates and Charges
   59.135   Necessity of user charge
   59.136   Distribution of costs
   59.137   Approval of Sanitary District Board resolution
   59.138   Unlawful to discharge without paying rates, charges
   59.139   Definitions
   59.140   User rates and charges to be fair and equitable
   59.141   Biennial review
   59.142   Classes of users
   59.143   Schedule of rates and charges
   59.144   Determination of water usage, strength and character of wastes for billing purpose
   59.145   Liquid wastewater disposal charges
   59.146   Billing and collection
   59.147   Rate review study
   59.148   Sanitary District; authority; appeal procedure
   59.149   Severability; statutory authority not lessened
   59.150   Special rate contracts
   59.999   Penalty