For purposes related to the orderly development of the city, and to carry out the provisions of this title, the city is divided into thirty two (32) land use districts and three (3) overlay districts, known as the following:
| Land Use District Name
| Land Use District Name
A-1 | Agricultural district |
A-1-20 | Agricultural district |
A-2 | Estate agricultural district |
R-R | Rural residential |
R-R-A | Rural residential animals district |
R-A | Residential estate district |
R-A-A | Residential estate animals district |
R-E | Residential estate district |
R-S | Suburban residential |
R-1 | Single-family residential district |
R-1-D | Single-family residential, deep lots |
R-2 | Multiple-family residential district |
R-2-2000 | Multiple-family residential district |
R-3 | Multiple-family residential district |
A-P | Administrative and professional office district |
MF | Medical facility district |
T | Transitional district |
E | Educational district |
A-P-C | Administrative-professional-commercial district |
C-1 | Neighborhood stores district |
C-2 | Neighborhood convenience center district |
C-3 | General commercial district |
C-4 | Highway commercial district |
C-M | Commercial industrial district |
M-P | Planned industrial district |
M-1 | Light industrial district |
I-P | Industrial district |
M-2 | General industrial district |
P | Off street parking district |
O | Open land district |
A-D | Airport district |
FP | Floodplain district |
Symbol | Overlay District Name |
C-D | Civic design district |
AF | Airport flight zone |
HD | Hillside development district |
(Ord. 2333 § 5, 1997: Ord. 1000 § 7.00, 1955)
The districts listed in section 18.16.010 of this chapter, and the boundaries of such districts, are shown on the land use zoning map attached to the ordinance codified in this title and made an integral part of this title. All the notations, references and other information shown on the map shall be as much a part of this title as if the matters and information were fully described herein. (Ord. 1000 § 9.00, 1955)