Sign programs are encouraged as a means to provide consistency among signs. A sign program shall include the following elements:
A. A sign program may specify standards more restrictive or specific than this chapter or another applicable regulation, but may not contain standards less restrictive or less specific.
B. All unified centers, as defined in this chapter, shall prepare a sign program.
C. A sign program shall contain the following information for all signs, including on site directional and informational signs:
1. Design Elements: The design, materials of construction, colors, (graphically shown), lighting and dimensions shall be clearly illustrated.
2. Plot Plan: A plot plan illustrating all improved areas, including landscaping, and signs drawn to scale to show the location of each sign.
3. Elevations: All signs are to be illustrated and dimensioned in elevation drawings. When a sign is attached to a building, the illustration shall be a composite of the sign and the building, rendered to scale.
4. Side View Illustration: Side view and any other illustration(s) required for clarity.
D. A sign program may also contain other information as necessary to establish regulations to ensure that signs are consistent and attractive, including:
1. Size standards, if different from the standards for the underlying zoning district, specific plan, or other approval;
2. Sign colors;
3. Letter style;
4. Sign materials;
5. Types of signs permitted;
6. Sign review and approval procedures, if different from the standards for the underlying zoning district, specific plan, or other approval;
7. Transfer of unused sign area from one business to another. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the following provisions shall control the placement of non-commercial, temporary signs on private property.
A. One or more signs identifying, displaying, directing, or attracting attention to, or conveying a particular idea for, a non-commercial event occurring on a certain identifiable date may be placed on any parcel of privately-owned real property.
B. Any sign identifying, displaying, directing or attracting attention to, or conveying an idea related to, a non-commercial event which is to occur on a certain identifiable date shall not be placed on a privately-owned parcel of property more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the event, and shall be removed no later than seven (7) days after the date of the event.
C. All signs subject to this section shall be constantly maintained in a state of security, safety, and good repair. If the City determines that a sign subject to this section is unsafe or not secured, or otherwise causes a hazard to the public safety, or has been constructed, erected, relocated or altered in violation of this title, the City shall give written notice to the owner of the sign, or the person who claims responsibility for the sign, that: 1) the sign is in violation of this section, 2) shall specify the nature of the violation, and 3) shall direct the owner of, or the person responsible for, the sign to remove, or alter such sign, to alleviate the hazard or violation. If the City cannot determine the owner of the sign, or person responsible therefor, the City shall post such notice on, or adjacent to, each sign found in violation of this section. If the owner of the sign, or the person responsible therefor, fails to comply with the notice within five (5) days after the date such notice is given, the sign shall be deemed abandoned and the City may cause such sign to be removed and the cost thereof shall be paid to the City by the owner of, or person responsible for, the sign. (Ord. 2874, 2018)
A. Except as provided elsewhere in this chapter, each business is permitted to install one main identification sign; all other signs shall be considered secondary signs and shall conform to the size criteria established in the following table.
B. Permitted sign areas for commercial zoning districts are shown below:
Zoning District | Maximum Permitted Sign Area | Maximum Size Of Main Identification Sign | Maximum Size Of Secondary Sign(s) |
C-1 and C-2 | 1/2 square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage | 50 square feet1. Each business is limited to 1 main identification sign. | 24 square feet |
C-3 and C-4 Zoning Districts and other zoning districts referencing C-4 standards (except as noted in this chapter) | The greater of the following: 1. 1 square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage up to 120 linear feet plus 1/2 square foot of sign area for each foot of frontage in excess of 120 linear feet or 2. 1/2 square foot of sign area for each linear foot of lot frontage | 1 square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage up to 120 linear feet plus 1/4 square foot of sign area for each foot of frontage in excess of 120 linear feet up to a maximum 300 square feet2 Each business is limited to 1 main identification sign. See also specific standards for regional mall signs. | 24 square feet |
C-M | The greater of the following: 1. 1 square foot of sign area for each 1 linear foot of building frontage or 2. 1/2 square foot of sign area for each 1 linear foot of lot frontage | 120 square feet3. Each business is limited to 1 main identification sign. | 24 square feet |
A-P, A-P-C, and MF | Maximum main identification sign of 20 square feet, regardless of frontage See A-P/A-P-C regulations for specific criteria for other signs | See A-P/A-P-C/MF regulations for specific criteria for other signs | |
EV/AP | 1/2 square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage | 50 square feet | 24 square feet |
1. For exception see subsection 15.36.210C of this article.
2. For maximum sizes in industrial zoning districts, see specific zoning district standards.
3. Signs in industrial zoning districts which face a residential zoning district may not exceed 75 square feet in size.
(Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
The following standards apply within the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts:
A. Sign Approval Required: The location, size and architectural design of all freestanding signs and roof signs shall be approved by the planning commission. Replacement of a sign without any structural change, such as replacement of sign elements including, but limited to, individual channel letters or increase in sign area, on existing freestanding sign structures shall be approved by the director.
The location, size, and architectural design of all building mounted signs shall be approved by the director. Replacement of a sign without any structural change, such as replacement of sign elements including, but limited to, individual channel letters or increase in sign area, on existing building mounted signs shall be approved by the director.
B. Size: The permitted size of signs in the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts is as shown in section 15.36.190 of this article. Major tenant signs may be increased in area up to a maximum of seventy five (75) square feet in area if approved as part of a complete sign program approved for the shopping center upon the determination that the increased area is appropriate to improve the aesthetics of the project.
C. Location: The following regulations apply to the location of permanent and temporary signs in the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts:
1. Signs may only be erected on the side of a building where a street right of way or public entryway to the store is located. One unlighted sign not to exceed two (2) square feet in area may be placed on the rear of the building for service and delivery identification.
2. All signs shall be placed parallel to the vertical surface of the structure occupied by the use to which a sign pertains, and may not extend out from such surface more than twelve inches (12").
3. No sign shall be placed within any required yard or setback area.
D. Special Signs:
1. One overall identification sign for a unified shopping center may be approved for each street frontage, subject to the following regulations:
a. This sign shall be placed parallel to the vertical surface and below the top of the required three foot (3') high wall adjacent to the required front yard area.
b. The dimensions of each letter shall not exceed ten inches (10"), and the maximum area of each sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet.
c. If more than one identification sign is provided for a center, each identification sign shall be identical in size and color.
d. Center identification signs shall not be included in the sign area for any individual use.
2. Directional signs of two (2) square feet or less are exempt from this chapter.
E. Specific Limitations:
1. All illuminated signs shall be of such an intensity or arranged in such a manner so as not to create glare for abutting properties or vehicular traffic. Signs shall not be lighted between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M.
2. No freestanding signs are permitted in the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts, except center identification signs as described in subsection D of this section.
F. Portable A-Frame Signs: Portable A-frame signs are permitted within a unified center if included within an approved sign program. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
The sign provisions of the C-4 zone apply to all signs located in the C-3 zoning district. In addition, the following requirements shall apply:
A. Second Floor Windows: Signs permanently painted on second floor windows facing the street are permitted by the director.
B. Individual Businesses: Individual businesses having public access on more than one side of a building are permitted to have a second main identification sign.
C. Multiple-Tenant Buildings: Multiple-tenant buildings containing storefronts having no direct access or street frontage are permitted to install a directory type sign. This directory sign shall conform to the following standards:
1. The directory sign shall be a "secondary sign", as defined in this chapter.
2. The size of the sign shall be limited to two (2) square feet for each tenant in the building.
D. Portable A-Frame Signs: Portable A-frame signs are permitted within a unified center if included within an approved sign program. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
The following regulations apply to signs in the C-4 zoning district:
A. Architectural Compatibility: All signs shall be harmonious with the character and architectural style of the structure upon which they are placed.
B. Sign Approval Required:
1. The location, size and architectural design of all freestanding signs and support structures shall be approved by the planning commission. Replacement of a sign without any structural change, such as replacement of sign elements including, but limited to, individual channel letters or increase in sign area, on existing freestanding sign structures shall be approved by the director.
2. The location, size, and architectural design of all building mounted signs shall be approved by the director. Replacement of a sign without any structural change, such as replacement of sign elements including, but limited to, individual channel letters or increase in sign area, on existing building mounted signs shall be approved by the director.
C. Size: The maximum size of signs is shown in section 15.36.190 of this article (unless further restricted by an approved sign program).
D. Location: All signs shall be placed parallel to the vertical surface of the building, and shall not protrude from the farthest surface of the building, marquee or canopy more than twelve inches (12"), except that one under canopy area sign containing less than three (3) square feet in area is permitted for each street that the building faces.
E. Freestanding Signs: The following regulations apply to freestanding signs:
1. Types Of Freestanding Signs: The following freestanding signs are permitted:
a. Monument signs with a height not exceeding four feet (4').
b. Pedestal signs with a height not exceeding twelve feet (12').
2. Exceptions To Allotment: One freestanding sign per street frontage per parcel or unified center is permitted, except as follows:
a. Each freestanding sign for an individual tenant shall count toward the allowable signage for that tenant. Shopping center signage shall not count towards maximum signage and shall not exceed the requirements of subsection E7 of this section.
b. For commercial centers in excess of thirty five (35) acres, two (2) freestanding signs identifying the center are permitted. One of the signs may be oriented to the freeway if located on land designated as freeway oriented property (see figure 16 in section 15.36.420 of this chapter) and shall meet the design criteria for freeway oriented signs. If not considered a sign oriented to the freeway, the maximum height of the sign shall be twenty feet (20').
3. Obstruction Of Other Signs Prohibited: No freestanding sign shall be placed in such a manner that it obstructs signs on adjacent properties from public view.
4. Main Identification Sign: A freestanding sign in excess of twenty four (24) square feet shall be considered a main identification sign.
5. Proximity To Other Freestanding Signs: No freestanding sign may be placed closer than forty feet (40') to another freestanding sign.
6. Extension Of Public Right Of Way: No portion of a freestanding sign shall extend over existing or future public right of way.
7. Size Criteria: The following size criteria apply to freestanding signs:
Size Of Parcel Or Unified Center | Maximum Size Of Freestanding Sign |
Up to 5 acres | 24 square feet |
>5 to 10 acres | 50 square feet |
>10 to 35 acres | 75 square feet (unless sign is freeway oriented as defined by this chapter) |
Greater than 35 acres | 120 square feet (unless sign is freeway oriented as defined by this chapter) |
The area of a sign identifying a unified center shall not be counted toward the maximum sign area for any tenant.
F. Miscellaneous Provisions:
1. One sign is permitted for each forty feet (40') of frontage of the structure or building.
2. Directional signs of two (2) square feet or less are exempt from this chapter.
3. Sign standards for specific types of businesses are contained in article VII of this chapter.
4. Standards and regulations for multi-tenant freestanding signs are contained in article VII of this chapter.
5. Portable A-frame signs are permitted within a unified center if included within an approved sign program.
6. The planning commission, as a part of its review of a sign program, may exempt certain signs or areas from the requirements of this section if the following criteria are met:
a. The signs cannot be seen from the public rights of way, parking areas or other public areas.
b. The signs are oriented to the interior of a pedestrian retail or recreation area.
7. Monument signs in historic districts or for designated structures may have a base which is not solid in order to be consistent with the historic integrity of the property. The sign shall be approved by the planning commission and the historic and scenic preservation commission. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)