The downtown business district is a unique commercial area within the city. Due to the pedestrian orientation and historic nature of the district, signage which is unique and separate from other uses within the city is warranted. The following sign regulations shall apply only to businesses within the boundaries of the downtown business district:
A. Downtown Business District: The boundaries of the downtown business district are described and illustrated in figure 14 in this section.
B. General Limitations:
1. A maximum of one portable or projecting sign shall be permitted per business. The sign shall be directly related to the business frontage and shall be located at the main entrance to the business. Businesses with a main entrance facing an alley shall place the sign at the alley entrance.
2. Multiple-tenancy buildings shall be allowed one portable or projecting sign.
3. Buildings/businesses with freestanding signs shall not be permitted to have portable or projecting signs.
4. No objects shall be attached to portable or projecting signs. This includes balloons, banners, merchandise and electrical devices.
5. Portable signs shall be removed at the daily close of business.
6. Portable signs shall comply with all maintenance criteria for temporary signs contained in this chapter.
C. Design: To ensure uniformity of design, portable and projecting signs shall be designed so as to be aesthetically pleasing and consistent with the "theme" of the business (where such a "theme" exists).
1. All portable and projecting signs visible from both sides shall be double sided.
2. Projecting signs should function as visual enhancements and should be graphically oriented.
D. Size: It is intended that the area of all signs shall be maintained at the minimum determined adequate to advertise a particular business.
1. The maximum allowable sign area for portable and projecting signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet.
2. The sign shall not exceed three feet (3') in height and two feet (2') in width, including all structural elements.
E. Location: The figure below shows permitted sign locations:
1. All portable signs located in the public right of way shall conform with chapter 12.55 of this code.
2. Projecting signs shall be secured to the building and cannot extend into the public right of way more than two feet (2'). The lowest portion of the projecting sign shall not be less than eight feet (8') from the ground.
3. Portable signs may be placed on private property as long as they are oriented to the main entrance.
4. No sign shall be placed in such a manner that it obstructs pedestrian or vehicular traffic or visibility. Signs shall not be placed in crosswalks and all corner cutoffs shall be maintained.
5. Portable signs shall not be located within eight feet (8') of permanent pedestrian seating areas.
6. Portable signs shall not be placed in parkways.
7. Portable signs shall be self-standing and shall not lean against or be attached to any public tree, pole or other fixture. Signs shall not be placed over grates, planters, etc.
F. Sign Approval Required: The type, size, location and design of signs and support structures allowed under this section shall be approved by the director.
1. Decisions made by the director may be appealed to the planning commission.
2. If approved by the director, a permit shall be issued. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)