17.12.090 SIGN PERMIT.
   A.   Purpose. Sign permits provide a mechanism for administrative review and determinations to ensure that new or replacement signs are consistent with the general plan and provisions of the Zoning Code, including a previously approved sign program.
   B.   Applicability. A sign permit shall be required for all permanent signs, as defined by this title, as follows. Where a sign is proposed, no building permit may be issued until a sign permit has first been approved and issued.
      1.   Prior to the establishment or erection of a new sign or the replacement, alteration, or relocation of an existing permanent sign, as specified in Section 17.52.030 (Permit Requirements and Review Procedures).
      2.   Signs where use permit or variance approval have already been given to a particular business use and a new or existing owner of that business use wants to change a sign face but still be in conformance with the location, size, shape, and height of the original permit.
      3.   Signs proposed for locations where a sign program has been previously approved by an approving authority.
   C.   Approving Authority. The designated approving authority for a sign permit is the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director approves, conditionally approves, or denies sign permits in accordance with the requirements of this title.
   D.   Application Contents. The application for a sign permit shall be on a form prepared as prescribed by the Community Development Director and shall be accompanied by the information required by such form. The information shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
      1.   The name, address, contact information, and signature of the applicant, as well as the name, address, and contact information for the contractor or installer and property owner. If the applicant is someone other than the sign owner, then the sign owner's signature is also required on the application form.
      2.   Proof of consent of the property owner or other person(s) having the immediate right to possession and control of the property.
      3.   All required materials for issuance of a building permit.
      4.   Location, size, colors, shape, type of illumination, copy design, and manner of installation of the proposed sign and affected building elevation or the frontage of the premises. Information shall also disclose all existing signs on the premises, including exempt signs, giving the size and location of each.
      5.   Such other information on site or environmental conditions as the Community Development Director may reasonably request to determine that the proposed sign is in full compliance with the provisions of this title, the Municipal Code, and other applicable law. The message proposed to be displayed on the sign is not required but may be shown at the option of the applicant.
   E.   Procedures. The procedures for sign permit shall be as provided in Chapter 17.10 (General Application Processing Procedures) except as provided below:
      1.   Multiple sign applications. When an application proposes two (2) or more signs on the same property and/or as part of the same tenant, the applications may be granted in whole or in part, with separate decisions as to each proposed sign. When an application is denied in whole or in part, a written notice shall specify the ground(s) for such denial.
      2.   Public Hearing. The city shall provide notice and a public hearing for continuation of the approval, modification, revocation or appeal for an application for a sign permit, or an equivalent development permit, in accordance with Section 17.10.050.
      3.   Revocation or cancellation. The Community Development Director shall revoke any approval or permit upon refusal by the permit holder to comply with the provisions of the permit after written notice of noncompliance and at least thirty (30) days opportunity to correct. The opportunity to correct does not apply in the event that the sign, by nature of its physical condition, poses an imminent or significant threat to public safety.
      4.   Timing. An application for a sign permit for a permanent sign shall be submitted to the Community Development Director at the time the building permit application is submitted.
      5.   Appeals. Appeal of the approving authority's action on the request for a sign permit shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 17.10.070 (Appeals).
   F.   Approval Findings. The approving authority may approve a sign permit when the sign permit application and the sign itself complies with the standards and requirements of this title. A sign permit application may be approved subject to conditions, so long as those conditions are not in conflict with this title or some other applicable law, rule, or regulation. Permits which do not clearly meet such requirements shall be referred to the Planning Commission.
   G.   Appeals. Appeal of the approving authority's action on the request for a sign permit shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 17.10.070 (Appeals).
   H.   Expiration. All approved sign permits are subject to the provisions set forth in Section 17.10.100 (Revocation Permit Time Limits, Extensions, and Expirations). (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)