17.10.120 REVOCATION.
   This section provides procedures for the revocation previously approved land use entitlements or permit.
   A.   Consideration. The approving authority for the original entitlement or permit shall consider the revocation of same entitlement or permit.
   B.   Noticed Public Hearing. The decision to revoke an entitlement or permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this title shall be considered at a noticed public hearing. Public notice shall be provided and public hearing conducted pursuant to Section 17.10.050 (Public Hearing and Public Notice).
   C.   Findings. A decision to revoke an entitlement or permit may be made if any one (1) of the following findings can be made:
      1.   Circumstances under which the entitlement or permit was granted have been changed by the applicant to a degree that one (1) or more of the findings contained in the original entitlement or permit can no longer be met.
      2.   The entitlement or permit was issued, in whole or in part, on the basis of a misrepresentation or omission of a material statement in the application, or in the applicant's testimony presented during the public hearing, for the entitlement or permit.
      3.   One (1) or more of the conditions of the entitlement or permit have not been substantially fulfilled or have been violated.
      4.   The use or structure for which the entitlement or permit was granted has ceased to exist or has lost its legal nonconforming use status.
      5.   The improvement authorized in compliance with the entitlement or permit is in violation of any code, law, ordinance, regulation, or statute.
      6.   The improvement/use allowed by the entitlement or permit has become detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or the manner of operation constitutes or is creating a public nuisance. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)