A.   Purpose. The purpose of a general plan amendment is to allow for modifications to the general plan text (e.g., goals, policies, or implementation programs) or to change the general plan land use designation on any parcel(s).
   B.   Approving Authority. The designated approving authority for general plan amendments is the City Council which shall hold a public hearing prior to taking action. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing and provide a recommendation. The City Council approves, conditionally approves, or denies the general plan amendment in accordance with the requirements of this title.
   C.   Frequency of Amendment. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65358, no mandatory element of the general plan may be amended more frequently than four (4) times during any calendar year. Subject to that limitation, an amendment may be made at any time and may include more than one (1) change to the general plan.
   D.   Initiation of Amendment. A general plan amendment may be initiated by the Planning Commission or City Council, by application by property owner(s) of parcel(s) to be affected by the general plan amendment, or by recommendation of the Community Development Director to clarify text, address changes mandated by state law, maintain internal general plan consistency, address boundary adjustments affecting land use designation(s), or for any other reason beneficial to the city.
   E.   Procedures. The procedures for general plan amendment shall be as provided in Chapter 17.10 (General Application Processing Procedures).
   F.   Public Hearing/Notice. The city shall provide notice and a public hearing for the approval, modification, revocation or appeal of an application for a general plan amendment in accordance with Section 17.10.050 (Public Hearing and Public Notice).
   G.   Approval Findings. The City Council may approve a general plan amendment upon finding that the amendment is in the public interest and that the general plan as amended will remain internally consistent. In the event that a general plan amendment is requested by a private property owner, the applicant shall demonstrate to the City Council that there is a substantial public benefit to be derived from such amendment and how the proposed amendment furthers the goals of the general plan.
   H.   Adoption. Adoption of the general plan amendment by the City Council shall constitute final action and approval of the amendment. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)