13.05.010 Purpose and policy.
13.05.020 Authority.
13.05.030 Definitions.
13.05.040 Abbreviations.
13.05.050 Permissible discharges.
13.05.060 General discharge prohibition.
13.05.070 Specific discharge prohibition.
13.05.080 Prohibited substances or characteristics.
13.05.090 Prohibited discharge location.
13.05.100 National pretreatment standards.
13.05.110 City's right of revision.
13.05.120 Excessive discharge.
13.05.130 Slug discharges.
13.05.140 Hazardous waste discharges.
13.05.150 Administration wastewater discharges.
13.05.160 Administration – Responsibility of users.
13.05.170 Administration – Classes of users.
13.05.180 Administration – Wastewater discharge permit.
13.05.190 Administration – Reporting requirements.
13.05.200 Administration – Monitoring.
13.05.210 Administration – Requirements.
13.05.220 Administration – Rights of entry.
13.05.230 Administration – Pretreatment.
13.05.240 Administration – Publication of users in significant noncompliance.
13.05.250 Administration – Records retention.
13.05.260 Administration – Confidential information.
13.05.270 Enforcement mechanism.
13.05.280 Enforcement – Informal administrative actions.
13.05.290 Enforcement – Administrative orders and compliance schedules.
13.05.300 Enforcement – Sampling evaluation programs.
13.05.310 Enforcement – Assessment of charges for obstruction or damage to city facilities or operations.
13.05.320 Enforcement – Suspension or termination of service.
13.05.330 Enforcement – Administrative civil penalties.
13.05.340 Enforcement – Civil action.
13.05.350 Enforcement – Criminal action.
13.05.360 Enforcement – Notification procedures.
13.05.370 Enforcement – Costs.
13.05.380 Enforcement – Responding to significant noncompliance.
13.05.390 Hearings and appeals – Availability of administrative appeal.
13.05.400 Hearings and appeals – Show cause hearings.
13.05.410 Fees – Purpose.
13.05.420 Fees – Sewer service charge.
13.05.430 Fees – Scope of charges and fees for source control program.
13.05.440 Fees – Payment of fees, charges, and delinquencies.
13.05.450 Fees – Reinstatement deposit.
13.05.460 Grease, oil, sand interceptor program - Interceptors required.
13.05.470 Administration of interceptor program.
13.05.480 Interceptor maintenance procedures and program.
13.05.490 Grease, oil, sand interceptor program-Enforcement.
A. This chapter sets forth uniform requirements for contributors to the wastewater collection and treatment system of the Pinole/Hercules water pollution control plant and enables the city to comply with all applicable state and federal laws required by the Clean Water Act of 1977 as amended and the General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CFR Part 403), on file at the public works department.
B. The objectives of this chapter are:
1. Comply with the laws of the state of California and of the United States relating to the protection of the environment, control of water pollution, disposal of hazardous wastes and pretreatment of industrial discharges to publicly owned treatment works;
2. Prevent the introduction of pollutants into the city's wastewater system, which could interfere with operation of the system or contaminate the resulting sludge;
3. Prevent the introduction of wastes into the city's wastewater system, which could pass through the system, inadequately treated and into receiving waters or the atmosphere, or otherwise be incompatible with the system's overall operations;
4. Prevent introduction of toxic substances to the city's wastewater system, which could reach the environment in toxic amounts;
5. To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewater and sludges from the system;
6. Prevent the introduction of wastes that may be inadequately treated by city facilities and may adversely affect the environment or may cause a violation of the city's NPDES permit or may contribute to the need for modification of the city's NPDES permit;
7. Protect the city's personnel while conducting activities related to the collection, treatment and disposal of wastes through the city's wastewater system;
8. Prevent the introduction of wastes to sewers connected to the city's wastewater system that could result in the city being classified as a hazardous waste treatment storage or disposal facility under the laws of the state of California or the United States;
9. Prevent a public hazard or public nuisance arising from the collection, treatment or disposal of wastes through the city's wastewater system;
10. Prevent the introduction of stormwater into the city sewer system from individual homes and businesses that will reduce the plant capacity as well as effective treatment.
C. This chapter shall apply to all dischargers within the city, and to users of the city's treatment plant. Except as otherwise provided herein, the public works director shall administer, implement, and enforce the provisions of the chapter. (Ord. 01-102 § 2(part), 2001).