A.   Time Limits. Unless a condition of approval or other provision of this title establishes a different time limit, any permit not exercised within one (1) year of approval shall expire and become void, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with division C. below.
   B.   Exercising Permits. The exercise of a permit occurs when the property owner has performed substantial work and incurred substantial liabilities in good faith reliance upon such permit(s). A permit may be otherwise exercised pursuant to a condition of the permit or corresponding legal agreement that specifies that other substantial efforts or expenditures constitutes exercise of the permit. Unless otherwise provided, permits that have not been exercised prior to a zoning amendment, which would make the permitted use or structure nonconforming, shall automatically be deemed invalid on the effective date of the zoning amendment.
   C.   Permit Extensions. The approval of an extension extends the expiration date for two (2) years from the original permit date. After this initial permit extension, a final one (1)-year extension of time may be granted pursuant to the same process as set forth in this section.
      1.   Process. The same approving authority that granted the original permit may extend the period within which the exercise of a permit must occur. Notice and/or public hearing shall be provided in the same manner as for the original permit. An application for extension shall be filed not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the permit, along with appropriate fees and application submittal materials.
      2.   Conditions. The permit, as extended, may be conditioned to comply with any development standards that may have been enacted since the permit was initially approved.
      3.   Permit extension findings. The extension may be granted only when the designated approving authority finds that the original permit findings can be made and there are no changed circumstances or there has been diligent pursuit to exercise the permit that warrants such extension.
   D.   Expiration. If the time limits are reached with no extension requested, or a requested extension is denied or expires, the permit expires. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)