A.   Purpose. The purpose of a specific plan is to provide a vehicle for implementing the city's general plan on an area-specific basis. The specific plan is intended to serve as a regulatory document, consistent with the general plan. In the event there is an inconsistency or conflict between an adopted specific plan and comparable provisions of this title, the specific plan shall prevail. This section is consistent with California Government Code Section 65450 et seq. This section describes the process for adopting and amending specific plans, and approving subsequent development under a specific plan. Chapter 17.26 (Special Purpose Zoning Districts) describes the individual specific plan districts and adopts them by reference.
   B.   Applicability. The city's general plan encourages preparation of specific plans and identifies certain areas of the city which require specific plans for development. Specific plan zoning may be considered for other areas of the city.
   C.   Approving Authority. The designated approving authority for specific plans is the City Council which shall hold a public hearing prior to taking action. The Planning Commission shall review specific plans, hold a public hearing, and make recommendations regarding the content of the plan, or any amendments. The City Council shall approve, conditionally approve or deny any specific plan or amendment thereto.
   D.   Application Contents. In addition to the minimum content requirements of California Government Code Section 65451, the specific plan application shall include following items:
      1.   Statement of the relationship of the specific plan to the general plan;
      2.   Policies for development and standards for regulating development within the plan area;
      3.   The proposed land uses for all areas covered by the plan;
      4.   The types and configurations of buildings to be included in all developments within the plan area;
      5.   The location of and types of streets;
      6.   Public facilities and infrastructure required to serve developments within the specific plan area;
      7.   A parking and circulation plan for off-street parking areas showing the location of parking lots, the approximate number of spaces, and the approximate location of entrances and exits;
      8.   Proposed conservation, open space, and/or recreation areas, if any; and
      9.   Any other programs, guidelines, or standards appropriate for the area covered by the plan.
   E.   Environmental Review. It is anticipated, under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and guidelines, that most specific plans will require preparation of an environmental impact report (EIR). Once certified, the EIR for a specific plan may be relied upon for further entitlements sought subsequent to adoption of the specific plan to the extent allowed by CEQA. Unless otherwise exempt, an initial study shall be prepared for all subsequent applications to determine whether additional CEQA review is required.
   F.   Public Hearing/Notice. The city shall provide notice and a public hearing for consideration of the approval or modification of an application for a specific plan in accordance with Section 17.10.050 (Public Hearing and Public Notice).
   G.   Approval Findings. Specific plans and any amendment thereto shall be approved only when the City Council makes the following findings:
      1.   The proposed specific plan is consistent with the general plan goals, policies, and implementation programs.
      2.   The land use and development regulations within the specific plan are comparable in breadth and depth to similar zoning regulations contained in this title.
      3.   The administration and permit processes within the specific plan are consistent with the administration and permit processes of the Zoning Code.
   H.   Adoption. Adoption of the specific plan shall be by ordinance of the City Council shall constitute final action and approval of the specific plan. Authorization for construction in accordance with the specific plan may only be granted after the effective date of the adoption.
   I.   Delineation of Specific Plan Areas. On the zoning map, a specific plan zoning district shall be delineated in a manner similar to that of any other zoning district except that each specific plan-zoned area shall also bear a number, text, or other symbol which distinguishes it from other specific plan areas. See Chapter 17.26 (Special Purpose Districts/Specific Plan Districts).
   J.   Application of Specific Plan Development Requirements. Where conditions of the specific plan are more restrictive than the Zoning Code development standards, the conditions of the specific plan shall apply. Where a standard is not addressed in the specific plan, the Zoning Code shall apply. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)