A.   Monitoring Requirements. Any user may be required to provide wastewater sampling and/or monitoring results or to submit to monitoring by the city to assist the city in establishing the appropriate Class of the user and/or to evaluate compliance with the standards and the requirements of this chapter.
      1.   Classification Sampling. All industrial users may be required to sample. and analyze their waste streams to determine the appropriate class of the user. Classification sampling shall be at the city's request. The number and type of samples and pollutants analyzed shall be as specified by the city in order to adequately characterize the user's wastewater discharge.
      2.   Baseline Sampling. All Class I and II industrial users shall sample and analyze their regulated waste stream(s) as part of a permit application or modification of a permit as specified in Sections 13.05.180(A) and 13.05.180(F) of this chapter. In addition all Class I and II industrial users are required to submit baseline reports as specified in Section 13.05.190(C).
      3.   Initial Compliance Sampling. All Class I and II industrial users shall sample and analyze their regulated waste stream(s) for the compliance report as specified in Section 13.05.190(D) of this chapter. Samples shall be analyzed for those pollutants regulated in the applicable pretreatment or as required by the city.
      4.   Periodic Compliance Sampling. All Class I and II industrial users shall sample and analyze their regulated waste stream(s) to evaluate compliance, with the users permit or permit contract. Periodic compliance monitoring shall be conducted at least twice each year unless specified more frequently in the users permit or in the applicable National Categorical Pretreatment Standard. Samples will be analyzed for those pollutants regulated in the applicable pretreatment standard or as otherwise required by the city.
      5.   Confirmation Sampling. Whenever sampling results indicate that the user's regulated waste stream(s) is in violation of any pretreatment standard or requirement, the user shall collect a second sample to assess the degree of violation. For the second sample, the user shall analyze only for the pollutant(s) found to be in violation. The user shall provide the city with the results from the confirmation sampling within thirty days of the date the violation was discovered.
      6.   Sampling and Evaluation Program. If confirmation sampling indicates a second violation, then the city may initiate a sampling and evaluation program (SEP). The SEP will be conducted by the city and may include collection of three to five samples. The SEP will establish whether there is continued noncompliance by the user. Samples collected during the SEP may be analyzed for other pollutants in addition to the pollutant(s) in violation.
      7.   City Sampling. The city may collect and analyze samples on its own or request the user to split samples to evaluate compliance with this chapter or the user's permit. The city also reserves the right to conduct all sampling and analysis for the user with all the cost to be paid by the user. In the event the data obtained by the city differs from data provided by the user, the city data shall be presumed accurate unless and until the user provides substantial evidence otherwise. In the event the city performs the sampling, whether announced or unannounced, the user may request that the city split the samples and provide one of the split samples for the user's independent analysis.
   B.   Sampling Procedures. All sampling and testing undertaken for the purpose of compliance. with the sampling and reporting requirements of this chapter shall be undertaken in the manner set forth herein. Except as otherwise provided in this section or as otherwise agreed in writing by the city, samples for pH, cyanide, sulfide, phenols, oil and grease and volatile organics shall consist of grab samples. A minimum of four grab samples shall be taken for the referenced constituents throughout the entire process discharge period.
      Each grab sample for the referenced, constituents will be individually preserved and kept separate, and will be composited only by the testing laboratory prior to analysis. Composite samples will be taken for all other pollutants, one sample every hour throughout the discharge period, or a twenty-four-hour period as required by the city. Each regulated waste stream shall be sampled and analyzed separately unless the user's permit allows for sampling and analyzing the combined waste streams.
      The methods of obtaining the sample shall be specified by the city in the user's permit. The city may state special sampling requirements as needed to insure compliance with this chapter.
   C.   Analytical Procedures. All samples will be preserved and analyzed in accordance with the procedures presented in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 136 (Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants). Unless approved otherwise by the city, all analyses shall be performed by a laboratory(s) certified by the state for the specific pollutants and matrix to be analyzed.
   D.   Sampling Records. The user shall record and maintain, the following information, for each sampling event:
      1.   The date, exact place, method, and time of sampling and the names of person or persons taking samples,
      2.   Sample preservation. used;
      3.   The date's analyses were performed;
      4.   Chain of custody of sample;
      5.   Who performed the analyses;
      6.   The analytical techniques/methods used;
      7.   The results of such analyses.
   E.   Monitoring Facilities. The city may require to be provided and operated at the user's own expense, monitoring facilities to allow inspection, sampling and flow measurement of regulated discharge. The monitoring facility shall be accessible to city staff at all times and should be normally situated on the user's premises, but the city may, when such a location would be impractical or cause undue hardship on the user, allow the facility to be constructed in the public street or sidewalk area and located so that it will not be obstructed by landscaping or parked vehicles.
      There shall be ample room in or near such sampling manhole or facility to allow accurate sampling and preparation of samples for analysis. The facility, sampling and measuring equipment shall be maintained at all times in a safe and proper operating condition at the expense of the user. (Ord. 01-102 § 2(part), 2001).