13.20.010 Purpose.
13.20.020 Definitions.
13.20.030 Requirement for backflow prevention device.
13.20.040 Unlawful to maintain defective sewer lateral or improperly connected sewer lateral.
13.20.050 Events triggering the requirement to undergo sewer lateral cleaning and inspection.
13.20.060 Common interest developments – 10 year inspection requirement.
13.20.070 Inspection procedures and criteria.
13.20.080 Mitigation of failed test or inspection.
13.20.090 Repair of building sewer lateral – Extension of time for probate proceedings.
13.20.100 Right of entry.
13.20.110 Building sewer lateral compliance and issuance of certificate of compliance.
13.20.120 Hardship deferrals for repair or replacement.
13.20.130 Notices to correct violations.
13.20.140 Coordination of lateral repairs with city utility and street improvement projects.
13.20.150 Regulations to implement this chapter.
13.20.160 Nuisance.
The purposes of this chapter are:
A. To provide for operation and maintenance of the city's sewer system in a reliable and serviceable condition;
B. To eliminate or minimize sanitary sewer overflows by eliminating or minimizing stoppages and reducing sources of inflow and infiltration into the city's sewer system;
C. To comply with applicable legal requirements pertaining to the city's sewer system;
D. To protect the public health and safety by establishing and providing a mechanism for enforcing performance standards for private sewer laterals that connect or are connected to a public sewer main; and
E. To comply with the goal of the city's Sewer System Management Plan which was adopted at the request of the State Water Resource Control Board, and to maintain all parts of the sewer system and reduce and prevent sanitary sewer overflows. (Ord. 2012-02 § 1 (part), 2012)
As used in this chapter, regardless of case, the following words, phrases and terms shall have the following definitions.
A. AIR TESTING or AIR TESTED. A method whereby a building sewer lateral is pressurized with air for the purpose of detecting leaks or defects in the pipe being tested. An air tested building sewer lateral will be deemed defective for purposes of this chapter if it does not hold three and one-half (3.5) pounds per square inch of air pressure (psi-air) for at least two (2) minutes with at least two and one-half (2.5) psi-air remaining at end of the air test.
B. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE. Includes, but is not limited to, backwater overflow devices, backwater check valves, pressure relief devices, shutoff systems, and any other devices the city may approve for the purpose of preventing or minimizing the possibility that raw sewage will back up into any structure or for any similar purpose.
C. BUILDING DRAIN. That part of the lowest piping of a building drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste and other drainage pipes within the building or structure and conveys it to the building sewer lateral. The point of connection of the building drain to the building sewer lateral shall be within two (2) feet of the outside of the building wall. A clean-out and backflow prevention device shall be installed at the point of connection of the building drain to the building sewer lateral.
D. BUILDING SEWER LATERAL. That part of a drainage system which extends from the end of the building drain and conveys discharge to a public sewer or other point of disposal. The building sewer lateral shall terminate at the wye or other manufactured connection to the public sewer.
E. BUILDING WALL. The exterior component part of a structure built, erected, framed and designed for the housing, shelter, enclosure or support of persons, animals, or property of any kind.
F. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. A written certificate issued to a property owner by the Public Works Director or his/her designee certifying that a building sewer lateral is properly equipped, structurally sound and complies with all standards established by the city.
G. DEFECTIVE SEWER LATERAL. Any building sewer lateral that displays leaks or defects upon the completion of inspection or that is deemed by the city, in its discretion, to be defective upon completion of air testing or any other testing method required by the city.
H. INSPECTION. A process whereby both a video camera and/or smoke are placed into and run through the inside of a building drain, building sewer lateral or public sewer for the purpose of detecting leaks or other obvious defects.
I. MANUFACTURED CONNECTION. A commercially manufactured and available sewer "wye" or "tee" fitting of the proper size and material for the subject application.
J. PROPERTY OWNER. Any individual or entity owning property within the boundaries of the city that is connected to a public sewer.
K. PUBLIC SEWER. The sanitary sewers owned or maintained by the city lying within the limits of the public streets, roads, easements, reserves, non-exclusive easements or other public rights-of-way serving or intended to serve two (2) or more separate properties, persons, or parcels. That portion of the building sewer lateral which may lie within any public street or right-of-way is not a public sewer in the city.
L. SEWAGE. Any liquid or solid waste.
M. SMOKE TESTING. A method through which smoke is forced through the sewer lateral waste and/or drain pipes under a slight pressure to find leaks and/or discover evidence of a defective sewer lateral. (Ord. 2012-02 § 1 (part), 2012)