Sewer Management and Control
   51.01   Management and control
   51.02   Classification of service
   51.03   Application for service
   51.04   Deposits for service
   51.05   Minimum charges
   51.06   Town’s responsibility and liability; connection charges
   51.07   Applicant’s responsibility
   51.08   Extensions to main
   51.09   Access to premises
   51.10   Change of occupancy
   51.11   Billing, collections
   51.12   Disconnection for late payment
   51.13   Complaints and adjustments
   51.14   Rates and charges
   51.15   Service connection mandatory
Oil and Grease Removal Program
   51.30   Purpose
   51.31   Compliance required
   51.32   Sizing standards for grease trap installation
   51.33   Maintenance recommendations
   The management and control of the sanitary sewer system of the town, and sewer service to applicants, shall be governed by rules and regulations prescribed by this subchapter, as amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 51.01) (Ord. passed - -)
   (A)   RESIDENTIAL SERVICE shall mean sewer service to a single family dwelling, and to each residential unit in a trailer court, duplex, and multiple dwelling building.
   (B)   COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL SERVICE shall mean all services not classed as residential service.
(Prior Code, § 51.02) (Ord. passed - -)
   (A)   Any person, firm, or corporation required to make connection with the town sanitary sewer system for sewer service shall make written application upon a form supplied by the town, containing all information required by the form. The application shall be signed by the applicant and shall be accompanied by the appropriate connection fees and deposits required by this subchapter.
   (B)   The town may reject any application for service not available under a standard rate or which involves excessive service cost, or which may affect the availability of service to other customers.
   (C)   The town may reject any application for service when the applicant is delinquent in payment of bills incurred for service previously supplied at any location. When the owner of the premises has been served water and/or sewer service and has not paid for the same, the town shall not be required to render service to anyone at such location until such delinquent bill has been paid.
   (D)   For violation of any of the provisions of this chapter relating to sewer service, the town may discontinue service in accordance with the procedure set forth in § 51.11. Where the service is thereafter reinstated, the applicant shall first pay to the town a reinstatement service charge in such amount as established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board, a copy of which schedule shall be maintained and available for review during normal business hours at the town hall.
(Prior Code, § 51.03) (Ord. passed - -)
   (A)   The town shall be authorized to collect deposits for water and sewer service upon such terms and in such amounts as established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board, a copy of which schedule shall be maintained and available for review during normal business hours at the Town Hall.
   (B)   Upon ten days’ written notice, any sewer service applicant may be required to deposit a sum in an amount equivalent to two times the amount of the maximum monthly bill theretofor rendered to such applicant.
   (C)   If the deposits required by this chapter are not maintained, service shall be discontinued until the requirements are complied with. Such deposit shall be applied by the town to the payment of any unpaid bills outstanding against the user at the time service is for any reason discontinued.
   (D)   No interest shall be payable by the town with respect to any deposit made pursuant to this subchapter.
   (E)   The applicant in whose name each deposit is made shall be responsible for the payment of all bills incurred in connection with sewer service furnished such applicant.
   (F)   A separate deposit shall be required for each service installed.
   (G)   The receipt issued by the town for a deposit is not negotiable and shall be redeemable only at the town’s offices.
   (H)   When the town finds that the request for a deposit refund is questionable, the town may require the applicant for refund to produce the deposit receipt properly endorsed.
   (A)   The minimum cash deposit, the minimum monthly charge for service, as provided in the rate schedule, and the initial connection charge shall be made for each service installed, regardless of location.
   (B)   Where more than one family dwelling unit, commercial establishment, or industrial establishment is provided with service through a single service connection, the monthly charges for service shall be the greater of:
      (1)   The number of family dwelling units, commercial establishments, or industrial establishments served times the monthly minimum charge as shown in the current rate schedule; or
      (2)   The actual charge determined for the quantity of metered water consumed.
   (C)   As of July 1, 1999, there shall be no service provided to more than one residential or commercial unit through a single service connection.
(Prior Code, § 51.05) (Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 6-15-1999)