(A) The town shall be authorized to collect deposits for water and sewer service upon such terms and in such amounts as established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board, a copy of which schedule shall be maintained and available for review during normal business hours at the Town Hall.
(B) Upon ten days’ written notice, any sewer service applicant may be required to deposit a sum in an amount equivalent to two times the amount of the maximum monthly bill theretofor rendered to such applicant.
(C) If the deposits required by this chapter are not maintained, service shall be discontinued until the requirements are complied with. Such deposit shall be applied by the town to the payment of any unpaid bills outstanding against the user at the time service is for any reason discontinued.
(D) No interest shall be payable by the town with respect to any deposit made pursuant to this subchapter.
(E) The applicant in whose name each deposit is made shall be responsible for the payment of all bills incurred in connection with sewer service furnished such applicant.
(F) A separate deposit shall be required for each service installed.
(G) The receipt issued by the town for a deposit is not negotiable and shall be redeemable only at the town’s offices.
(H) When the town finds that the request for a deposit refund is questionable, the town may require the applicant for refund to produce the deposit receipt properly endorsed.
(A) The minimum cash deposit, the minimum monthly charge for service, as provided in the rate schedule, and the initial connection charge shall be made for each service installed, regardless of location.
(B) Where more than one family dwelling unit, commercial establishment, or industrial establishment is provided with service through a single service connection, the monthly charges for service shall be the greater of:
(1) The number of family dwelling units, commercial establishments, or industrial establishments served times the monthly minimum charge as shown in the current rate schedule; or
(2) The actual charge determined for the quantity of metered water consumed.
(C) As of July 1, 1999, there shall be no service provided to more than one residential or commercial unit through a single service connection.
(Prior Code, § 51.05) (Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 6-15-1999)
(A) The town will install a service line from its collection line to the property line where the collection line exists and runs immediately adjacent and parallel to the property to be served, subject to the provisions of this subchapter applicable to connections with the sanitary sewer system.
(B) For extension and connection with the town sanitary sewer system, the town shall be authorized to collect connection and service fees upon such terms and in such amounts as established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board, a copy of which schedule shall be maintained and available for review during normal business hours at the Town Hall.
(C) There shall be installed at the point of service to every applicant a gravity service line of such size and type as will most nearly meet the requirements of the service for which it is installed and in conformity with the police and requirements of the town. The town may install said service line to the property line or, at the town’s option, on the applicant’s property in a convenient and appropriate location adjacent to or near the street line.
(D) When two or more services are to be installed on the same premises for different applicants, they shall be closely grouped.
(E) The town does not assume the responsibility of inspecting the applicant’s piping or apparatus and will not be responsible therefor.
(F) The town reserves the right to refuse service unless the applicant’s lines or piping are installed in such manner as to prevent cross-connections or backflow and unless otherwise in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations.
(G) The town shall not be responsible for any damage done by or resulting from any defect in the piping, fixtures, or appliances on the applicant’s premises. The town shall not be responsible for negligence of third persons, or forces beyond the control of the town resulting in any interruption of service. The town shall not, in any case, be liable to any person, firm, or corporation, resident or non-resident, for damages for a failure to furnish a sufficient capacity or, particularly, quality of sewer service for any purpose.
(H) Under normal conditions, the applicant will be notified of any anticipated interruption of service.
(A) Piping on the applicant’s premises must be so arranged that the connections are conveniently located with respect to the town’s lines.
(B) If the applicant’s piping on the applicant’s premises is so arranged that the town is called upon to provide additional service, each place of service will be considered as a separate and individual account.
(C) The applicant’s piping and apparatus shall be installed and maintained by the applicant at the applicant’s expense, in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with the town’s rules and regulations and in full compliance with the sanitary regulations of the State Board of Health and all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations (municipal, county, and state).
(D) The applicant shall guarantee proper protection for the town’s property placed on the applicant’s premises and shall permit access to it only by authorized representatives of the town.
(E) In the event that any loss or damage to the property of the town or any accident or injury to persons or property is caused by or results from the negligence or wrongful act of the applicant, his or her agents or employees, the cost of the necessary repairs or replacements shall be paid by the applicant to the town and any liability otherwise resulting shall be assumed by the applicant.
(F) The amount of such loss or damage or the cost of repairs shall be added to the applicant’s bill, and if not paid, water and sewer service may be discontinued by the town.
(G) Where there is not provided a separate service connection for each building situated on any given lot or parcel of land, the owner of such lot or parcel of land shall be responsible for the payment of charges for service supplied to all such buildings on the lot or parcel. Where separate service connections are not provided to every occupancy unit, or tenant within a multi-tenant building, the owner of the building shall be responsible for the payment of all charges for water and sewer services to such building.
(Prior Code, § 51.07) (Ord. passed - -) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Following the original construction and installation of the town sanitary sewer system, sewer lines may be extended in accordance with policies established from time to time by the Board of Commissioners.
(B) The town shall not be required to permit or to make any extensions of sewer lines except in accordance with policies established by the Board of Commissioners and only in the event the applicant desiring extension shall advance to the town the entire cost of such extension and installation of lines.
(Prior Code, § 51.08) (Ord. passed - -)
(A) Duly authorized agents of the town shall have access, at all reasonable hours, to the premises of the applicant for the purpose of installing or removing town property, inspecting piping, or for any other purpose in connection with the town’s service and facilities.
(B) Each applicant shall grant or convey, or shall cause to be granted or conveyed, to the town a perpetual easement and right-of-way across any property owned or controlled by the applicant whenever such perpetual easement and right-of-way is necessary for the town sewer facilities and lines, so as to be able to furnish sewer service to the applicant.
(Prior Code, § 51.09) (Ord. passed - -)
(A) Not less than three days’ notice must be given to discontinue service or to report a change of occupancy. Such a report shall be made to the Town Clerk:
(1) In person during regular business hours;
(2) By first class mail in a post-paid envelope, properly addressed to the Town Hall;
(3) By facsimile transmission to the town’s facsimile receiving unit; or
(4) By electronic mail to the town’s email address.
(B) The vacating applicant shall be responsible for all water and sewer service used up to the time of departure or the time specified for departure, whichever period is longest.
(C) Charges for water and sewer service shall be made monthly, and each user of metered water service shall be billed for sewer service in accord with this subchapter.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Water meters will be read and bills rendered monthly, but the town may vary the dates or length of period covered temporarily or permanently if necessary or desirable.
(B) Bills for water and sewer service will be figured in accord with the town’s published rate schedule then in effect and will be based on the amount of water consumed for the period covered by the meter readings, but the amount payable for each month’s service shall not be less than the minimum charge prescribed in the schedule of rates.
(C) (1) Charges for water and sewer service shall be made monthly.
(2) New applicants for metered water service shall be charged for sewer service when the water service meter and sewer service connection is installed, whether used or not.
(D) Bills for water and sewer service shall be due when rendered. Any bill which shall be due and unpaid by the end of the fifteenth day of the calendar month next following the end of the month for which billed, shall be subject to an additional charge, as established by the Commission, and if not paid by the twenty-fifth of that month, the water and sewer services shall be discontinued, and upon payment of the delinquent bill, there shall be added a reinstatement of service charge in an amount as established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board, a copy of which schedule shall be maintained and available for review during normal business hours at the Town Hall.
(E) Failure to receive bills or notices shall not prevent such bills from becoming delinquent nor relieve the applicant from payment.
(Prior Code, § 51.11) (Ord. passed - -)