(A)   All residences, all commercial establishments, and all industrial establishments constructed on or after September 10, 1985, shall be allowed to install a private septic tank until such time the town is able to provide town sewer services to the new establishments.
   (B)   (1)   At such time when and if it becomes necessary to install private septic tanks, the applicant shall first obtain a permit and engineering plan from the County Health Department and shall conform to all policies and requirements of the Health Department and the town concerning the installation of said tank.
      (2)   All costs of permits, fees, and plans necessary for the installation of the private septic tanks shall be at the sole expense of the applicant.
      (3)   At no time will the town be held responsible or liable for any costs incurred for installation services, fees, or permits on private sewage treatment facilities.
      (4)   At no time will the town make any equitable adjustments with respect to any private septic tank installation, charges, permits, fees, and/or services.
      (5)   The applicant will be required to pay any and all connection fees and deposits prior to connection to the town sewer system.
      (6)   At such time as the town is able to provide sewer services, the continued use of private septic tanks shall be prohibited and unlawful, and connection to the town sanitary sewer system shall be required.
   (C)   For violation of the provisions of this subchapter, the town may, after reasonable notice, discontinue water service to such violator until compliance shall have been effected.
(Prior Code, § 51.15) (Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 9-10-1985) Penalty, see § 10.99