§ 9-643. Commercial Business Hour Restriction Near the Boundary of the Eighth and Ninth Districts. 965.4
   (1)   Definitions.
      (a)   Commercial Establishment. An establishment involved in the buying and selling of goods where consumers primarily purchase goods intended for consumption or use off premises, including a Food Establishment as defined in Code Section 6-102.
   (2)   Prohibited Conduct. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, no commercial establishment shall be open to the public between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. at the following streets or any other location which Council shall from time to time ordain:
      (a)   North Broad street between West Chew Avenue and West Tabor Road.
      (b)   Old York Road between West Olney Avenue and West Tabor Road.
      (c)   West Olney Avenue between North Broad Street and North Park Avenue.
      (d)   Wagner Avenue between North Broad Street and Old York Road.
   (3)   Penalties. The penalty for a violation of this Section shall be a fine of five hundred dollars ($500) for each violation for each day the violation continues.
   (4)   Sunset Provision. The provisions of this Section 9-643 shall expire January 1, 2028.



   Added, Bill No. 240476 (approved August 12, 2024). Enrolled bill numbered this as Section 9-640; renumbered by Code editor.