§ 17-2001. Definitions.
   (1)   Beneficiary. A private party, including a for-profit or nonprofit organization, that is the direct recipient of Financial Assistance.
   (2)   City. Any office, department, board, commission or other agency of the City of Philadelphia.
   (3)   City-related Agency. All authorities and quasi-public corporations which either: receive appropriations from the City, have entered into continuing contractual or cooperative relationships with the City, or operate under legal authority granted to them by City ordinance.
   (4)   Community Referral Agency. Any organized job registry or employment referral organization operated by a nonprofit organization or union approved by the Designated Department as satisfying the following requirements:
      (a)   The agency has established a community membership base and record of conducting outreach in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods in Philadelphia; and
      (b)   The agency has a track record of nondiscriminatory employment referral and job placement with respect to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, gender orientation, age, marital or family status, or disability unrelated to job ability.
   (5)   Designated Department. 254 The City department or agency designated by the Mayor to be responsible for the overall implementation and enforcement of the "First Source Jobs Policy" as set forth in this Chapter, provided that, pursuant to subsection 17-1603(1)(h) of Chapter 17-1600 (Economic Opportunity Plans), the Economic Opportunity Review Committee (EORC) established in Section 17-1607 shall be responsible for reviewing the implementation and enforcement of the First Source Jobs Policy with respect to any covered project or contract that includes financial assistance reasonably anticipated to exceed the amount specified in subsection 17-1601(1). The City department or agency designated by the Mayor pursuant to this subsection (5) and the EORC shall coordinate their efforts.
   (6)   Entry-level Job. Work that requires little or no formal vocational training, education or prior experience in the field or profession beyond on-the-job training.
   (7)   Financial Assistance. 255 Any grant, loan, incentive or abatement in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or more that is provided to a Beneficiary with the authority or approval of the City or a City- related agency, including, but not limited to, bond financing subsidies, Tax Increment Financing (TIF) aid, industrial development bonds, use of the power of eminent domain, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) loans or grants, airport revenue bonds, Enterprise Zone designations; and aid from the Philadelphia Workforce Development Corporation or other similar agencies.
   (8)   First Source Candidate. An individual on the First Source Registry who meets the minimum qualifications and requirements of an entry-level job.
   (9)   First Source Employment Agreement. An agreement between the City or City-related Agency and a Beneficiary which implements the provisions of the Chapter.
   (10)   First Source Registry. A listing of Philadelphia residents compiled and maintained by the Designated Department for the purpose of employment referrals.
   (11)   First Source Period. 256 A period of thirty (30) calendar days following notice by Beneficiary to the Designated Department of new, entry-level jobs projected or created as a direct or indirect result of Financial Assistance.



   Amended, Bill No. 160129 (approved September 6, 2016).
   Amended, Bill No. 121038 (approved April 30, 2013).
   Amended, Bill No. 160129 (approved September 6, 2016).