§ 17-1902. Equal Benefits.
   (1)   To be eligible to enter into a Service Contract with the City for an amount payable to the contractor of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more, a contractor must, for the following classes of employees, extend the same employment benefits the contractor extends to spouses of its employees to life partners of its employees:
      (a)   Employees who reside in the City;
      (b)   Employees who are non-residents subject to City wage tax under subsection 19-1502(1)(b) (pertaining to tax on salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation of non-residents).
   (2)   Notwithstanding subsection 17-1902(1), if a contractor's existing agreement with its employment benefits provider does not permit the extension of employment benefits to the life partners of the contractor's employees at the time the contractor enters into a Service Contract with the City, the contractor shall arrange for the extension of employment benefits to the life partners of its employees to be effective as soon as practicable, but in no case more than one year after the date of execution of the Service Contract. Provided, this subsection (2) shall not apply to a contractor that has had another City contract subject to the provisions of this Chapter within the five years immediately prior to the date of execution of the Service Contract.
   (3)   A contractor shall accept any of the following 252 as proof of a Life Partnership:
      (a)   Verification of the Life Partnership issued pursuant to Section 9-1123.
      (b)   Where neither the employee nor the employee's life partner is a City resident, employed by the City, owns real property in the City, owns and operates a business in the City, or is a recipient of or has a vested interest in employee benefits from the City of Philadelphia, proof that the claimed Life Partnership meets items (.2) through (.7) of the definition of "Life Partnership" under subsection 9-1102(1)(r) and the standard for verification under subsection 9-1123(1).
      (c)   An official document evidencing a marriage, civil union, domestic partnership, or the equivalent, under the laws of any state or country, and undertaken between two people who share the same gender identity as defined under subsection 9-1102(1)(k).



   Enrolled bill read "...any of the the following...."