§ 17-1504. Other Matters That Must Be Included in Annual Report. 190
   (1)   The Finance Director's annual report required by Section 6-109 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter shall, in addition to the Annual Disparity Study and the Annual Participation Goals, include the following related matters:
      (a)   An up-to-date listing of qualified disadvantaged business enterprises. At least forty-five (45) days prior to filing said Annual Report, the Finance Director shall submit to the Council a preliminary, proposed listing along with an explanation of the steps taken to ensure completeness of the list. Council shall either approve said listing by resolution within thirty (30) days or shall set out, in an alternative resolution, the additional steps the Finance Director shall take to expand the reach of said listing, in which case the Finance Director shall supplement the Annual Report with a revised listing no later than forty-five (45) days after adoption of said alternative resolution.
      (b)   City contract participation goals for DBE's in not-for-profit City contracts related to for-profit subcontracting opportunities.
      (c)   A ranking of City departments and agencies by percentage levels of DBE utilization. 191
      (d)   For the purpose of measuring compliance with Chapter 17-1600, relating to Economic Opportunity Plans, a ranking of all Economic Opportunity Plans, that sets forth for each plan: 192
         (.1)   The participation goals;
         (.2)   The participation rates; and
         (.3)   Any differential between participation goals and participation rates.
      (e)   A breakdown, by NAICS Code, of the various types and dollar value of services provided to the City (whether by prime contract or by subcontract) by disadvantaged business enterprises. 193



   Renumbered, Bill No. 140312 (approved May 19, 2014).
   Added, Bill No. 080023 (approved March 26, 2008).
   Added, Bill No. 120616 (approved September 26, 2012).
   Added, Bill No. 180864 (approved April 2, 2019).