§ 11-606. Area Restrictions. 105
   (1)   Broad Street. No bulk window, cellar door, coping, enclosure wall, fence, platform, railing, step, terrace, or other obstruction to pedestrian travel, shall be erected or maintained beyond the street line, nor may any portion of the footway be occupied, on Broad Street, from Oregon Avenue to Cheltenham Avenue, except that portion of Broad Street between Fisher's Avenue and Olney Avenue, and the east side of Broad Street, between Spruce Street and Lombard Street. 106
   (2)   Center City. 107 No cellar door or entrance, coping, fence, platform, railing, step, storm door, or other obstruction to pedestrian travel, shall be erected or maintained beyond the street line in the area between the Delaware River and the Schuylkill River, Vine Street and Spruce Street, including both sides of the boundary streets, except that the Department of Licenses and Inspections may allow the maintenance or construction of cellar entrances covered with flush iron cellar doors extending not more than 4 feet 6 inches beyond the building line if, in the opinion of the Department of Streets, they will not interfere with pedestrian travel.
   (3)   Intersections and Corners. No shade tree, telegraph pole or other obstruction shall be erected or maintained upon the sidewalks within 15 feet of the street line of an intersecting street, unless approved by the Department of Streets. 108



   Source: 1921 Ordinances, p. 63; 1924 Ordinances, p. 424; 1954 Ordinances, p. 54.
   Amended, 1956 Ordinances, p. 533.
   Source: 1912 Ordinances, p. 232; 1931 Ordinances, p. 121.
   Source: 1882 Ordinances, p. 281.