§ 9-5802. Tangled Title Information Sheet.
   (1)   It is Council's intent that the Department of Records make available and easily accessible a tangled title information sheet.
      (a)   It is Council's intent the Department of Records collaborate with the Philadelphia Register of Wills in the creation of the tangled title information sheet.
   (2)   It is Council's intent that the Department of Records make the tangled title information sheet available and easily accessible within six (6) months of the effective date of this Chapter.
§ 9-5803. Funeral Service Provider Disclosure Requirement.
   (1)   No later than five (5) days after final disposition of the deceased, a funeral service provider shall provide an standard death certificate, as issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the tangled title information sheet made available by the Department of Records to survivors of the deceased.
      (a)   Requirements for provision of the death certificate may be satisfied by arranging for mail delivery of such document at the last known address of each survivor of the deceased.
      (b)   Requirements for provision of the tangled title information sheet may be satisfied by providing an electronic version of such document via electronic communication to each survivor of the deceased.
§ 9-5804. Penalties.
   (1)   Any funeral service provider in violation of Section 9-5803 shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) for each offense.