§ 9-604. Refuse Collection. 777
   (1)   Definitions. In this Section the following definitions apply:
      (a)   Refuse. All discarded waste materials, consisting of the following:
         (.1)   Garbage. The organic residue of both animals and vegetable matter which results from the preparation and consumption of food, and including small dead animals.
         (.2)   Waste: Combustibles. Material which burns upon contact with a flame under normal conditions, including carpets, containers, excelsior, furniture, leather, linoleum, mattresses, oilcloth, paper and paper products, rags, shrubbery, Christmas trees, wallpaper, wearing apparel, and similar materials.
         (.3)   Waste: Non-combustibles. Materials which cannot be incinerated, including ashes, bottles, broken glass, cans, crockery, floor sweepings, masonry, metals, yard dirt and similar materials.
      (b)   Department. Department of Streets.
      (c)   Municipal Waste. 778 Any garbage, refuse, industrial, lunchroom or office waste and other material, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous material, resulting from operation of residential, municipal, commercial or institutional establishments and from community activities and any sludge not meeting the definition of residual or hazardous waste in the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act from a municipal, commercial or institutional water supply treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant or air pollution control facility. The term does not include source separated recyclable materials.
      (d)   Private dump or landfill. Real property in or upon which refuse is deposited, other than when operated by the City.
      (e)   Recyclable Materials. Materials which would otherwise become solid waste that can be reprocessed and returned to the economic mainstream as raw materials or products. 779
      (f)   Recycling. Any process by which recyclable materials are reprocessed and returned to the economic mainstream as raw materials or products. 780
      (g)   Reserved. 781
      (h)   Debris. Any material resulting from the demolition, construction, rehabilitation, or renovation of any structure, including stones, bricks, rocks, concrete, gravel or earth.
      (i)   Garbage disposal unit. Any mechanical or powered device used to reduce food waste other than grease so that it can be discharged into the sewer system of the City or into cesspools and septic tanks.
      (j)   Grindable garbage. Garbage which can normally be disposed of by the use of a garbage disposal unit.
      (k)   Residual Waste. 782 Any garbage, refuse, other discarded material or other waste, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous materials resulting from industrial, mining and agricultural operations and any sludge from an industrial, mining or agricultural water supply treatment facility, waste water treatment facility or air pollution control facility, provided that it is not hazardous.
      (l)   Source Separated Construction/ Demolition Scrap Metal. 783 Scrap metal originating from construction or demolition operations that has served its intended use and has not been commingled with any type of waste or other construction/demolition material.
   (2)   Dispose of Refuse.  784 No person shall dispose of any refuse upon or in any site within the City unless such site is certified or authorized as a dump or landfill under Title 14 or any successor provisions thereto.
   (3)   City Disposal Plants and Sites. 785
      (a)   The Department may receive any refuse for disposal in City disposal plants, landfills or other disposal sites when the origin of the refuse is within the City.
      (b)   The charge for receiving refuse at City plants, landfills or other disposal sites shall be ninety dollars ($90) per ton or any fraction thereof; except that no charge shall be made with respect to the first one hundred (100) tons of refuse received during any fiscal year from any religious institution or an institution of purely public charity when such refuse is hauled by vehicles owned and operated by said institutions. 786
         (.1)   Bills shall be prepared by the Department, payable to the Department of Collections.
      (c)   City dumps, landfills and disposal sites shall comply with the regulations of the Department of Public Health for private dumps, landfills and disposal sites.
   (4)   Contracts for Garbage Collection. 787
      (a)   Contracts for the collection and disposal of garbage may be entered into by the Department pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17-100.
      (b)   No contract shall be awarded to any garbage collector unless he has obtained a license pursuant to subsection 9-604(4).
      (c)   All contracts for the collection and disposal of garbage shall be subject to the following provisions:
         (.1)   The contract garbage collector shall comply with regulations issued by the Department dealing with the collection, removal and disposal of garbage.
         (.2)   The contract garbage collector shall indemnify the City against all claims, demands, suits or causes of action for injuries to persons or property arising from, growing out of or incident to the collection, removal and disposal of garbage.
      (d)   The Department may include in these contracts other provisions to protect the interests of the City.
      (e)   The Department may require contract garbage collectors to maintain adequate public liability and property damage insurance.
      (f)   The Department shall supervise the performance of the collectors under these contracts.
   (5)   Penalties and Forfeitures. 788
      (a)   A person whose Garbage Collection License, Waste Collection License, Recyclable Material Collection License, or Collection Vehicle License has been revoked may not reapply for any such new license for a period of one (1) year from the time of the first revocation, for a period of two (2) years from the time of the second revocation, and for a period of five (5) years from the time of the third and subsequent revocations. 789



   Source: 1949 Ordinances, p. 641; amended, 1989 Ordinances, p. 810; subsections (5) through (10) deleted by Bill No. 171121 (approved March 14, 2018); subsection (11) renumbered to subsection (5) by Code editor.
   Amended, 1994 Ordinances, p. 706.
   Added, 1987 Ordinances, p. 683.
   Added, 1987 Ordinances, p. 683.
   Amended, 1994 Ordinances, p. 706; deleted, Bill No. 090123-AAA (approved October 21, 2009), effective December 31, 2009.
   Added, 1994 Ordinances, p. 706.
   Added, 1994 Ordinances, p. 706.
   Added, 1992 Ordinances, p. 863; amended, Bill No. 120774-A (approved January 14, 2013).
   Renumbered, 1992 Ordinances, p. 863.
   Amended, 1987 Ordinances, p. 826; amended, 1987 Ordinances, p. 1234; amended, 1992 Ordinances, p. 542.
   Source: 1953 Ordinances, p. 365; 1941 Ordinances, p. 19; renumbered, 1992 Ordinances, p. 863.
   Renumbered, 1992 Ordinances, p. 863; amended and renumbered, 1994 Ordinances, p. 706; amended, Bill No. 758 (approved July 24, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 1081; amended, Bill No. 171121 (approved March 14, 2018).
   Renumbered and amended, Bill No. 090123-AAA (approved October 21, 2009), effective December 31, 2009; renumbered, Bill No. 171121 (approved March 14, 2018).