In this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) Advisory Committee. The Citizen Health Advisory Committee appointed pursuant to Section 6-709 of this Chapter.
(2) Emergency Condition. A medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy.
(3) Urgent condition. A medical condition which, if untreated within two (2) to twenty-four (24) hours, could reasonably be expected to result in one (1) or more of the conditions listed in subsection 6-702(2).
(4) District Health Centers. The District Health Centers currently directly operated by the Department of Public Health, and required to be directly operated and maintained in the future as set forth in this Chapter, which provide a range of health care programs, including but not limited to Family Medical Care; Women's Health Program including Prenatal, Obstetrics, Gynecological Care, and Family Planning; Dental Services; and diagnosis and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.
(5) Health Committee. The Committee on Public Health, Human Services and Recreation of the Council, or such successor Committee of Council with duties pertaining to public health as may be designated by the President of Council.
(6) Poverty Level. The level of income identified as the "Poverty Income Guideline" developed and updated annually by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
(7) Service Mandate. The level of services required to be provided to ensure availability and accessibility of health services by and/or through the District Health Centers under this Chapter.
(8) Ambulatory Specialty Services. Ambulatory medical services provided to a patient by a medical specialist upon referral of such patient by District Health Center professional personnel.
(9) Ambulatory Specialty Services Administration. The administrative component of the District Health Centers which is responsible for the operation of the District Health Centers.
(10) Formulary. The list of medications, medical products and supplies approved by the Medical Director and the Administration of the District Health Centers.
(11) Special Request Medications. Those medications which are non-formulary and requested by physicians on a case-by-case basis.