Add Section B-3303.4.1 as follows:
   B-3303.4.1 Site grading after demolition. Where a structure is demolished or removed and no new construction is contemplated, the vacant lot shall be graded in accordance with the Building Code. The following demolition material shall not be used as backfill: combustible and fibrous material including metal, reinforcing steel, wood, plastic, plaster, ceramic, roofing materials, trash, household garbage or ash, and any other such debris. The fill shall be covered with a uniform layer of clean, inert, granular material 4 inches or more in depth. Existing concrete paving may remain as a covering. The owner and/or the general contractor for the demolition shall be responsible for compliance with this regulation.
Delete Section 3303.7 and replace as follows:
B-3303.7 Fire safety during demolition. Fire safety during demolition shall comply with the applicable requirements of this code and the applicable provisions of the Philadelphia Fire Code.
Add Sections B-3303.8 through B-3303.14 as follows:
B-3303.8 Protection of adjoining property during demolition. Demolition operations shall not commence until the applicable adjoining property protection is in place as required by Sections B-3303 and B-3307.
   B-3303.8.1 Safety zone. A safety zone shall be maintained around all demolition areas to prevent non- authorized persons from entering such zone. Where mechanical demolition equipment, other than handheld devices, is to be used for the demolition of a building, the safety zone shall be equal to or greater than half the height of the building to be demolished. Such safety zone may be reduced at a rate in ratio to the extent of demolition, as demolition occurs. For example, at the time fifty percent (50%) of the demolition is complete, the safety zone may be reduced by fifty percent (50%).
B-3303.9 Mechanical demolition equipment. Mechanical demolition equipment shall not be used where a building or portion thereof occupied by one or more persons is located within the safety zone or where the structure undergoing demolition is physically connected to a structure not being demolished.
Exception: When the use of mechanical demolition is recommended and endorsed in writing by a professional structural engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Special Inspections are performed pursuant to Section B-1705.
   B-3303.9.1 Mechanical demolition and excessive wind. Mechanical demolition equipment shall not be used when average wind speed is at or in excess of 20 miles per hour as reported by the National Weather Service.
   Exception: When use of such equipment is authorized by the Department for the protection of health and safety or upon a determination that site conditions and precautions established to protect safety reduce the risk of potential harm to a low level.
B-3303.10 Demolition sequence. Any structural member that is being dismembered shall not support any load other than its own weight. No wall, chimney, or other structural part shall be left at any time in such condition that it may collapse or be toppled by wind, vibration or any other cause. The method of removal of any structural member shall not destabilize remaining members. All handling and movement of material or debris shall be controlled such that it will not develop unaccounted impact loads on the structure.
   B-3303.10.1 Structural steel, reinforced concrete, and heavy timber buildings. Structural steel, reinforced concrete, and heavy timber buildings, or portions thereof, shall be demolished column length-by-column length and tier-by-tier. Structural members shall be chained or lashed in place to prevent any uncontrolled swing or drop. In buildings of "skeleton-steel" construction, the steel framing may be left in place during the demolition of masonry. Where this is done, all steel beams, girders, and similar structural supports shall be cleared of all loose material as the masonry demolition progresses downward.
   Exception: Where the design applicant has demonstrated the adequacy of alternate means of demolition through plans, calculations, or the establishment of safety zones, as appropriate, the Department may accept such alternative means of demolition.
   B-3303.10.2 Masonry buildings with wooden floors. Demolition of masonry buildings with wooden floors shall comply with the following requirements:
      1.   Demolition of walls and partitions shall proceed in a systematic manner, and all work above each tier of floor beams shall be completed before any of the supporting structural members are disturbed.
      2.   Masonry walls, or other sections of masonry, shall not be loosened or permitted to fall upon the floors of the building in such masses as to exceed the safe carrying capacities of the floors or the stability of structural supports.
      3.   No wall section which is more than one story or 12 feet (3658 mm) in height shall be permitted to stand alone without lateral bracing designed by a registered design professional, unless such wall was originally designed and constructed to stand without such lateral support, and is in a condition safe enough to be self- supporting. All walls shall be left in a stable condition at the end of each shift.
      4.   Structural or load-supporting members on any floor shall not be cut or removed until all stories above such a floor have been demolished and removed. This provision shall not prohibit the cutting of floor beams for the disposal of materials or for the installation of equipment necessary to safely complete the demolition, so long as the cutting does not negatively impact the safety of the floor system being cut.
B-3303.11 Management of hazards. Prior to the commencement of, and during, demolition operations, hazards shall be removed, in accordance with Sections B-3303.11.1 through B-3303.11.5.
   B-3303.11.1 Dust. Dust-producing operations shall be wetted down to the extent necessary to control the dust.
   B-3303.11.2 Dust control fencing. 316 A dust control fabric shall be securely attached to all temporary perimeter protection fencing. The material shall be a minimum of five feet in height with a minimum blockage of fifty percent (50%). Information placed on the fabric shall be limited to identification of the responsible Demolition Contractor and any information required by law.
   B-3303.11.3 Materials chutes. 317 For the purpose of this subsection, a materials chute is a slide, closed in on all sides, through which material is moved from a high place to a lower one. No material shall be dropped more than twenty feet to any point lying outside of the exterior walls of a building or outside of a structure, except through the use of a materials chute. All materials chutes, or sections thereof, shall be entirely enclosed, except for openings equipped with closures at or about floor level for the insertion of materials. At all stories below the top floor, such openings shall be kept closed when not in use. Chutes shall be designed and constructed of such strength as to eliminate failure due to impact of materials or debris loaded therein.
   B-3303.11.4 Fuel. Prior to the commencement of demolition operations, all pipes, tanks, boilers, or similar devices containing fuel and located in the area authorized to be demolished by the permit shall be purged of such fuel.
   Exception: Pipes, tanks, boilers, or similar devices containing fuel located in the area authorized to be demolished by the permit and which will not be disturbed during the course of the demolition operation may, in lieu of being purged, be safeguarded so as to prevent damage to such devices during the course of demolition operations.
   B-3303.11.5 Demolition debris. Materials from demolition shall not be stored overnight on a sidewalk, street or surrounding lot, as may otherwise be permitted, unless placed in a construction dumpster licensed pursuant to Section 11-610 of The Philadelphia Code, or in a dump truck, debris transfer trailer or other motor vehicle licensed under the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code. Loose material shall be removed upon completion of demolition activity at the end of each day, and the area of temporary storage swept clean.
   Exception: Where the Streets Department has authorized the closure of such sidewalk or street and the sidewalk, street or surrounding lot is enclosed as part of the safety zone established by the demolition contractor pursuant to Section B-3303.8.1.
B-3303.12 Removal of foundations and slabs. Where a building, or any portion, has been demolished to grade, the floor slab or foundation of such building, or portion, shall be removed and the site backfilled to grade.
   1.   Cellar floors may remain provided the cellar floor slab is broken up to the extent necessary to provide ground drainage that prevents accumulation of water, and also provided that all fixtures or equipment that would cause voids in the fill are removed.
   2.   Where a floor slab or foundation is to remain and not be backfilled, a waiver approved by the Department shall be obtained. Such request for waiver shall be accompanied by a statement and drawings prepared by a registered design professional demonstrating the necessity for retaining the existing floor slab or foundation for future construction or site remediation, as well as demonstrating positive drainage to an approved place of disposal.
B-3303.13 Retaining walls. Walls, which serve as retaining walls to support earth or adjoining structures, shall not be demolished until such earth has been properly braced or adjoining structures have been properly underpinned. Walls, which are to serve as retaining walls for backfill, shall not be so used unless capable of safely supporting the imposed load.
B-3303.14 Special inspection. Special inspection of demolition activities shall be required in accordance with Sections B-3303.14.1 and B-3303.14.2.
Exception: Demolition performed under contract with the Department and in compliance with current Procurement Department Specifications.
   B-3303.14.1 Mechanical demolition. Where mechanical demolition equipment, other than handheld devices, is to be used in the full or partial demolition of a building from within the building, or is to be used within the building to remove debris or move material, such demolition operation shall be subject to special inspection in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17 of the Building Code.
   B-3303.14.2 Demolition of tall structures. Demolition of a building in excess of three (3) stories or any structure in excess of 40 feet (12 192 mm) in height shall be subject to special inspection in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17 of the Building Code.



   Enrolled bill numbered this as B-3303.11.1.2; renumbered by Code editor.
   Enrolled bill numbered this as B-3303.11.1.3; renumbered by Code editor.