A-305.1 General. 108 Submittal documents consisting of construction documents and other data shall be submitted with each permit application. Plans shall be drawn on suitable material, generally to scale, dimensioned, and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed. Plans shall show in detail that the work will conform to the provisions of the technical codes including applicable items specified in this Section A-305 and all applicable standards, regulations and ordinances. The Department is authorized to develop and require the submittal of forms to collect required information in a consistent format. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional.
   A-305.1.1 Waiver. The code official is authorized to waive the submission of construction documents and other data that is not required to be prepared by a registered design professional where the code official determines that the nature of the work applied for is such that review of construction documents is not necessary to obtain compliance with the technical codes.
   A-305.1.2 Plan submission standards. 109 The Department is authorized to establish plan submission standards. Electronic media documents may be submitted where approved by the Department.
   A-305.1.3 Material quality. Where the quality of the materials is essential for conformity to the technical codes, specific information shall be given to establish such quality, and the code shall not be cited, nor shall the term "legal" or its equivalent be used as a substitute for specific information.
   A-305.1.4 Engineering details. 110 Construction documents shall include adequate details of structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical work, including computations, diagrams and other essential technical data as determined by the code official.
   A-305.1.5 Fire and zoning permits. 111 Applications for fire permits and zoning permits shall be accompanied by such documentation as this Section, the technical codes, regulations and departmental procedures require.
A-305.2 Contents. 112 The construction documents for permitting shall contain the information required by the technical codes and additional provisions included in A-305.2.1 through A-305.2.6.
Required approvals for each permit are provided herein. Additional officials or agencies may be involved based on the character of the permit application or the size or type of development involved. No provision of this Section adds to or detracts from a power, duty, or responsibility granted to any board, commission, department, committee, or agency of the City by a grant of power, duty, or responsibility in another Section of The Philadelphia Code or by the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter. In the case of any conflict between the provisions of this Section and the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter or other provisions of The Philadelphia Code, including this Administrative code, the provisions of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter or The Philadelphia Code shall govern.
   A-305.2.1 Building permits.  113 Specific requirements for building permits include the items or data included in A-305.2.1.1 through A-305.2.1.7. Other requirements for building permit application construction documents are found in the appropriate Sections of the technical codes.
      A-305.2.1.1 Site plan. In the case of new construction and additions, building permit applications shall be accompanied by a site plan showing to scale the size and location of all new construction and all existing structures on the site, distances from lot lines, the established street grades and the proposed finished grades, and as applicable, flood hazard areas, floodways, and design flood elevations; and it shall be drawn in accordance with an accurate boundary line survey.
      Required accessibility features shall be shown including but not limited to: parking spaces, public transportation stops and accessible routes.
      In the case of multiple spaces, buildings or parcels, the site plan shall include a key plan to identify the uses, spaces and structures within the site.
      For buildings and structures in flood hazard areas the site plan shall include the delineation of flood hazard areas, floodway boundaries, and flood zones.
      Submitted site plans shall be generally consistent with the site plans approved by the zoning permit for the construction.
      A-305.2.1.2 Code analysis information. Code analysis information shall be submitted with the construction documents. The code analysis information shall include the construction type, use and occupancy classification, means of egress information, occupant loads, and fire protection elements.
      A-305.2.1.3 Flood protection. If any proposed construction or development is located entirely or partially within any identified floodplain area, in addition to the requirements of the Building or Residential Code, the construction documents shall provide all the necessary information in sufficient detail and clarity to enable the code official to determine that:
         1.   all such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage and conform with the requirements of the technical codes;
         2.   all utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems, are located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage;
         3.   adequate drainage is provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards;
         4.   structures will be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement;
         5.   building materials are flood-resistant;
         6.   appropriate practices that minimize flood damage have been used; and
         7.   electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, air conditioning equipment, and other service facilities have been designed and located to prevent water entry or accumulation.
      A completed Flood Elevation Certificate (or Floodproofing Certificate as applicable) as published by FEMA shall also be submitted.
      A-305.2.1.4 Energy conservation. Supporting documentation shall be required to detail compliance with energy conservation requirements. The building's thermal envelope shall be represented on the construction drawings.
      A-305.2.1.5 Foundation and soils investigations. 114 The soil classification and design load-bearing capacity shall be shown on the construction documents. The owner or applicant shall submit a foundation and soils investigation to the code official where required in the Building Code. Where required by the code official, a written report of the soils investigation shall be prepared and sealed by a professional engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and submitted for any new construction, additions or foundations.
      A-305.2.1.6 Requisite approvals. The following approvals of departments and agencies of the City of Philadelphia and/or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be required before a building permit may be issued:
         1.   Zoning. A zoning and/or use registration permit shall be required for any change in use of the property, new construction or any changes in the gross floor area or height of an existing building in accordance with Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code.
         2.   Philadelphia Water Department. The approval of the Philadelphia Water Department is required for conditions set forth in Pa. Act 537 and the Clean Streams Act, and to confirm water and sewer availability.
         3.   Philadelphia Streets Department. Philadelphia Streets Department approval is required as per Title 11 of The Philadelphia Code, including but not limited to curb cuts, encroachments and parking lots.
         4.   Pennsylvania Department of Health. Pursuant to the UCC, Pennsylvania Department of Health approval is required for healthcare facilities.
         5.   Philadelphia Historical Commission. Philadelphia Historical Commission approval is required for all work performed on properties listed on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places in accordance with Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code.
         6.   Philadelphia Art Commission. Philadelphia Art Commission approval is required as per the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter and Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code.
         7.   Parks and Recreation. Parks and Recreation approval is required as per Titles 14 and 15 of The Philadelphia Code.
         8.   Philadelphia Fire Department. Philadelphia Fire Department approval is required as per Subcode F of Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code.
         9.   Philadelphia City Planning Commission. Philadelphia City Planning Commission approval is required per Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code.
         10.   Commerce Department. Commerce Department approval is required for permits related to piers, wharves or other harbor structures pursuant to Section 18-103 of The Philadelphia Code.
         11.   Philadelphia Department of Public Health approval is required for buildings connected to an on- lot sewage disposal system or private well.
      A-305.2.1.7 Monitoring plan.  115 A monitoring plan must be submitted where required by the Philadelphia Building Code. The plan must be prepared by a licensed professional engineer and specify scope of monitoring, frequency, and acceptable tolerances.
      A-305.2.1.8 Preconstruction Survey.  116 Where required by the Philadelphia Building Code, a preconstruction survey prepared by a licensed professional engineer that documents the existing conditions of all adjoining and adjacent buildings and that identifies any potential hazards must be submitted.
      A-305.2.1.9 Notification.  117 Where required by the Building Code, proof of notification to the property owner of all adjoining and adjacent buildings must be submitted.
   A-305.2.2 Demolition permits. 118 Construction documents for a permit for the complete demolition of a structure shall be submitted in accordance with Sections A-305.2.2.1 through A-305.2.2.6.
   Exception: Construction documents for demolition permits are not required for demolition of a one-story structure of 500 square feet or less when no other structures are located within ten (10) feet of the structure, unless the Department determines that provision of such documents is necessary to address health and safety concerns. 119
      A-305.2.2.1 Site Safety Plan. A site safety demolition plan or complete "engineering survey" as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations developed by a competent person shall be submitted. The plan must address the methods used to carry out the demolition, as well as the proposed measures for protecting adjoining structures, property and pedestrians. A schedule of the demolition activities shall be developed as part of demolition planning. At a minimum, the plan shall include the following:
            1.   Details on the type of construction and condition of the structure(s) to be demolished, including photographs of the structure and the site that accurately depict its present condition.
            2.   Inspection details on the structural conditions of the adjoining properties.
            3.   Description of the means and methods for protection of adjoining or adjacent structures and public right-of-ways. Where required by the Building Code, a preconstruction survey complying with Section B-3307.9 and prepared by a licensed engineer shall be submitted. 120
            4.   Description of the method of demolition to be used.
            5.   Details on any potential hazards.
            6.   Underground utility confirmation number.
            7.   Description of any safety exposures and environmental issues.
            8.   In cases where the demolition requires Special Inspections in accordance with the Building Code, the site safety plan shall be approved by a professional engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The plan shall include the name and address of the licensed engineer and shall be signed, sealed and dated by the engineer in accordance with the professional licensing laws. Submission of the plan by the demolition contractor constitutes agreement by the contractor to follow and carry out the plan. 121
      A-305.2.2.2 Site Plan. A site plan which includes the following information shall be submitted:
            1.   Identification of elements listed below with the distance between each element and the structure(s) to be demolished:
               (a)   Property lines.
               (b)   Location and widths of adjacent walkways, streets, and easements. 122
               (c)   All existing buildings, including height, number of stories, and construction type.
               (d)   Neighboring structures on adjacent lots, including height, number of stories, and construction type.
               (e)   Location of utilities within the work area.
               (f)   Trees, light and other utility poles, street furniture and other items of a height of 8 feet or more not considered structures located on adjacent lots or public right-of-ways potentially impacted by the demolition. 123
               (g)   Location of all construction fences and sidewalk sheds around work site. 124
            2.   The extent of demolition, including underground removal.
            3.   Planned pedestrian protections.
      A-305.2.2.3 Demolition schedule. The contractor shall submit a schedule of the proposed demolition which shall include the following:
            1.   The start date that is consistent with code requirements for public notice.
            2.   Identification of demolition milestones and projected dates of completion.
            3.   The proposed start and stop times for daily activity.
            4.   Confirmation that the work will not begin before site safety measures are in place and those measures are inspected and approved by the code official.
         A-305. Revised demolition schedule. As soon as practicable, the contractor is required to submit to the Department a revised demolition schedule if the demolition does not start in the time frame established by the schedule submitted with the permit application. Failure to submit the revised demolition schedule shall be a Class II violation.
      A-305.2.2.4 Requisite approvals. The following approvals shall be required before a demolition permit may be issued:
         1.   Zoning permit for the demolition.
         2.   Plumbing permit for sealing of the building sewer at the curb trap.
         3.   Water service discontinuance permit from the Philadelphia Water Department.
         4.   Philadelphia Historical Commission approval for any buildings listed on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places.
         5.   Philadelphia Water Department approval of stormwater management where the area of disturbance exceeds 5,000 square feet.
         6.   Dust control permit and plan approved by the Department of Public Health for any a structure that exceeds 3 stories, 40 feet in height, or encompasses more than 10,000 square feet.
         7.   Philadelphia City Planning Commission approval is required per Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code.
         8.   A building permit for the construction, expansion, or alteration of a new or existing building is required per Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code. 125
         9.   Authorization of the owner of the property in the form of an affidavit or a signed statement to the effect that the proposed work is authorized by the owner. The Department is authorized to accept electronic confirmation of such authorization.
      A-305.2.2.5 Monitoring plan.  126 A monitoring plan must be submitted where required by the Philadelphia Building Code. The plan must be prepared by a licensed professional engineer and specify scope of monitoring, frequency, and acceptable tolerances.
      A-305.2.2.6 Notification.  127 Where required by the Building Code, proof of notification to the adjoining and adjacent property owner and resident must be submitted.
   A-305.2.3 Electrical permits. Specific requirements for electrical permits include the items or data included in A-305.2.3.1 through A-305.2.3.6.
      A-305.2.3.1 General. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of the applicable code and standard, and relevant laws, rules and regulations, as determined by the code official. The detail shall include but not be limited to the location and capacity of lighting facilities, electrically operated equipment and electrical circuits required for service equipment that is included in, or affected by, the scope of work covered by the permit.
      A-305.2.3.2 Penetrations. Construction documents shall indicate where penetrations will be made for electrical systems and shall indicate the materials and methods for maintaining required structural safety, fire- resistance rating and fireblocking.
      A-305.2.3.3 Load calculations. Where an addition or alteration is made to an existing electrical system, an electrical load calculation shall be prepared to determine if the existing electrical service has the capacity to serve the added load.
      A.305.2.3.4 Building permit. Information on the associated building permit for the project, where applicable.
      A-305.2.3.5 Fire alarms. Construction documents for fire alarm systems shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this code, the applicable code and standard, and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, as determined by the code official.
      A-305.2.3.6 Requisite approvals. The following approvals of departments of the City of Philadelphia and/or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be required before an electrical permit may be issued:
         1.   Pennsylvania Department of Health. Pursuant to the UCC, Pennsylvania Department of Health approval is required for healthcare facilities.
         2.   Philadelphia Historical Commission. Philadelphia Historical Commission approval is required for the installation of solar and photovoltaic systems on properties listed on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places, in accordance with Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code.
   A-305.2.4 Mechanical and fuel gas permits. Specific requirements for mechanical and fuel gas permits include the items or data set forth in A-305.2.4.1 through A-305.2.4.4. Other requirements for mechanical and fuel gas permit application construction documents are found in the appropriate Sections of the technical codes.
      A-305.2.4.1 General. The construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature, and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that the work will conform to the provisions of the mechanical and fuel gas codes and relevant laws, rules and regulations, as determined by the code official.
      A-305.2.4.2 Energy conservation. Supporting documentation shall be required to detail compliance with energy conservation requirements.
      A-305.2.4.3 Building permit. Information on the associated building permit for the project, where applicable.
      A-305.2.4.4 Requisite approvals. The following approvals of departments of the City of Philadelphia and/or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be required before a mechanical or fuel gas permit may be issued:
         1.   Philadelphia Streets Department. Philadelphia Streets Department approval is required for any encroachments, as per Title 11 of The Philadelphia Code.
         2.   Pennsylvania Department of Health. Pursuant to the UCC, Pennsylvania Department of Health approval is required for healthcare facilities.
         3.   Philadelphia Historical Commission. Philadelphia Historical Commission approval is required for the placement of any equipment on the exterior of properties listed on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places, in accordance with Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code.
         4.   Philadelphia Department of Public Health approval is required for parking garage ventilation systems.
   A-305.2.5 Plumbing permits. Specific requirements for plumbing permits include the items or data set forth in A-305.2.5.1 through A-305.2.5.5. Other requirements for plumbing permit application construction documents are found in the appropriate Sections of the technical codes.
      A-305.2.5.1 General. The construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature, and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that the work will conform to the provisions of the Plumbing Code and relevant laws, rules and regulations, as determined by the code official.
      A-305.2.5.2 Backflow preventer assembly. Confirmation that the water supply is to be protected by a backflow preventer as required and approved by the Philadelphia Water Department.
      A-305.2.5.3 Site plan. In the case of multiple buildings or parcels, the site plan shall identify the water and sewer connections and pipe serving the structures within the site. The approved point of disposal for storm water management systems required by regulations of the Philadelphia Water Department shall be shown.
      A.305.2.5.4 Building permit. Information on the associated building permit for the project, where applicable.
      A-305.2.5.5 Requisite approvals. The following approvals of departments of the City of Philadelphia and/or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be required before a fire suppression permit may be issued:
         1.   Philadelphia Water Department. The approval of the Philadelphia Water Department is required for water and sewer connections.
         2.   Pennsylvania Department of Health. Pursuant to the UCC, Pennsylvania Department of Health approval is required for healthcare facilities.
         3.   Philadelphia Department of Public Health approval is required for plumbing connected to an on-lot sewage disposal system or private well and for food service facilities.
   A-305.2.6 Fire suppression permits. Specific requirements for building permits for fire suppression systems include the items or data set forth in A-305.2.6.1 through A-305.2.6.6. Other requirements for fire suppression permit application construction documents are found in the appropriate Sections of the technical codes and related standards.
      A-305.2.6.1 General. The construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature, and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that the work will conform to the provisions of the Building Code, related NFPA standards and relevant laws, rules and regulations, as determined by the code official.
      A-305.2.6.2 Hydraulic calculations. Submittal of hydraulic calculations as detailed by the appropriate NFPA standard to provide verifiable analysis of the water delivery and supply as it relates to the proposed fire suppression system.
      A-305.2.6.3 Backflow preventer assembly. Confirmation that the water supply is to be protected by a backflow preventer as required and approved by the Philadelphia Water Department.
      A-305.2.6.4 Site plan. In the case of multiple spaces, buildings or parcels, a site plan shall be submitted identifying the water connections and supply pipe to the uses and structures within the site.
      A-305.2.6.5 Building permit. Information on the associated building permit for the project, where applicable.
      A-305.2.6.6 Requisite approvals. The following approvals of departments of the City of Philadelphia and/or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be required before a fire suppression permit may be issued:
         1.   Philadelphia Water Department. The approval of the Philadelphia Water Department is required for water connections.
         2.   Pennsylvania Department of Health. Pursuant to the UCC, Pennsylvania Department of Health approval is required for healthcare facilities.
         3.   Philadelphia Historical Commission. Philadelphia Historical Commission approval is required for all work performed on properties listed on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places, in accordance with Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code.
         4.   Philadelphia Fire Department. Philadelphia Fire Department approval is required for hydrants as per Subcode F of Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code.
   A-305.2.7 Excavation permits.  128 Construction documents for a permit for excavation shall be submitted in accordance with Sections A-305.2.7.1 through A-305.2.7.4.
   Exception: Construction documents are not necessary for excavations incidental to a complete demolition of a structure which complies with the requirements of Section A-305.2.2.
      A-305.2.7.1 Excavation Plan. An excavation plan prepared by a licensed professional engineer which includes the following information shall be submitted:
         1.   Identification of elements listed below with the distance between each element and the excavation:
            (a)   Property lines.
            (b)   Location and widths of adjacent walkways, streets, and easements.
            (c)   All existing buildings, including height, number of stories, and construction type.
            (d)   Neighboring structures on adjacent lots, including height, number of stories, and construction type, within ten feet of the excavation.
            (e)   Any foundation or retaining wall within ten feet of the excavation, including depth of footing.
            (f)   Location of utilities within the work area.
         2.   The area and depth of excavation.
         3.   Required protections of footings and foundations of buildings and structures within ten feet of the excavation from settlement or lateral translation.
            (a)   Where no special precautions are warranted, the licensed professional engineer shall provide a sealed statement that no special precautions or measures are required to protect existing footings and foundation on the subject property or on the immediately adjoining property.
         4.   Protective or support systems for immediately adjacent rights-of-way, alleys and yards of adjacent properties in accordance with the regulations of the United States Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration.
         5.   Damp-proofing of exposed foundation walls.
         6.   Size and location of construction barriers.
         7.   Underground utility confirmation number.
      A-305.2.7.2 Preconstruction Survey. A preconstruction survey documenting the existing conditions of all adjacent buildings and identifying any potential hazards prepared by a licensed professional engineer must be submitted.
      A-305.2.7.3 Requisite approvals. The following approvals shall be required before an excavation permit may be issued:
         1.   Philadelphia Streets Department approval is required as per Title 11 of The Philadelphia Code for any encroachments into the right-of-way.
         2.   Philadelphia Water Department approval of stormwater management where the area of disturbance exceeds 5,000 square feet.
      A-305.2.7.4 Monitoring plan. A monitoring plan must be submitted where required by the Philadelphia Building Code. The plan must be prepared by a licensed professional engineer and specify scope of monitoring, frequency, and acceptable tolerances.
A-305.3 Maintenance of construction documents. 129 The prime contractor and/or owner must keep the approved set of construction documents on-site at all times and make the documents accessible for inspection upon demand of the code official. Failure to keep or make construction documents available on-site shall result in the issuance of a stop work order until the documents are produced and the Department determines that work can proceed safely.



   Added, Bill No. 030780 (approved December 31, 2003).
   Amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 210389 (approved July 15, 2021), effective January 1, 2023.
   Amended, Bill No. 110844 (approved December 21, 2011), effective August 22, 2012.
   Added, Bill No. 210389 (approved July 15, 2021), effective January 1, 2023.
   Added, Bill No. 220008 (approved July 6, 2022), effective January 1, 2023.
   Added, Bill No. 220008 (approved July 6, 2022), effective January 1, 2023.
   Amended, Bill No. 130691-A (approved February 19, 2014). See note 87 for effective date provisions. Amended, Bill No. 210389 (approved July 15, 2021), effective January 1, 2023; amended, Bill No. 220008 (approved July 6, 2022), effective January 1, 2023.
   Added, Bill No. 170091-A (approved April 17, 2017), effective May 22, 2017.
   Amended, Bill No. 170091-A (approved April 17, 2017), effective May 22, 2017; amended, Bill No. 220008 (approved July 6, 2022), effective January 1, 2023..
   Added, Bill No. 170091-A (approved April 17, 2017), effective May 22, 2017.
   Amended, Bill No. 170091-A (approved April 17, 2017), effective May 22, 2017.
   Added, Bill No. 170091-A (approved April 17, 2017), effective May 22, 2017.
   Added, Bill No. 170091-A (approved April 17, 2017), effective May 22, 2017.
   Added, Bill No. 190866 (approved December 30, 2019).
   Added, Bill No. 210389 (approved July 15, 2021), effective January 1, 2023.
   Added, Bill No. 220008 (approved July 6, 2022), effective January 1, 2023.
   Added, Bill No. 210389 (approved July 15, 2021), effective January 1, 2023.
   Added, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).