§ 3-306. Citizenship and Residence. 83
   All officers and employees of the City shall be citizens of the United States. It shall not be necessary for the Managing Director, the Director of Finance, the Personnel Director, any appointed department head or any other employee not in the civil service to be a resident of the City at the time of the officer's or employee's appointment but residence in the City must be acquired within six months thereafter. Appointed members of boards and commissions shall be residents of the City or of a county of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania adjacent to the City.
   Sources:   No specific source.
   Purposes:   1.   All officers and employees must be citizens of the United States.
      2.   It is not required that appointees to non-civil service positions be residents of the City at the time of their appointment in order to permit the appointment of the best qualified and most experienced persons that can be obtained. On the other hand, an appointee, once he takes office, is required to become a resident of the City within six months of his appointment.
      3.   All that is required in the case of members of boards and commissions is that they be residents of the City or of a Pennsylvania county adjacent to the City. At the present time, many members of boards and commissions performing important City functions are not residents of the City. Nevertheless, they serve without compensation, give of their time, and even of their money in helping to make the City a better place in which to live. Examples may be found in the Fairmount Park Commission and the Board of Trustees of the Free Library of Philadelphia. City libraries and City museums have benefitted from funds, books and objects of art donated to them by Philadelphia suburbanites. Such benefits might well be lost to the City if membership on boards and commissions were restricted to residents, and therefore, that restriction was not imposed.
   Law Department Note (2009): Fairmount Park Commission was reconstituted by amendment approved November 4, 2008. See Footnote to Section 3-905.
      4.   Residence qualifications of civil service employees are not covered by this section but by the provisions of the civil service chapter. Section 7-401(u).



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 17, 2022, and certified on June 6, 2022. See Bill No. 220001 (approved February 25, 2022); Resolution No. 220009 (adopted February 24, 2022).