§ 3-905. Commission on Parks and Recreation. 120
   (a)   Composition. The Commission on Parks and Recreation shall consist of fifteen members, nine of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor from a list of nominations submitted to the Mayor by resolution of the Council; and six of whom shall serve ex officio, as follows: the President of City Council and the Executive Director of the City Planning Commission, or their designees, and the Water Commissioner, the Street Commissioner, the Public Property Commissioner and the Parks and Recreation Commissioner. The Mayor shall designate one member who does not serve ex officio to serve as chair.
   (b)   Appointment process. At the commencement of every Mayoral term and by no later than February 1 of such year, the Council President shall, by public notice, solicit applicants to serve on the Commission. The application period shall be open for no less than thirty days, after which the Council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed nominations. No later than ninety days after the close of applications, the Council, by resolution, shall forward to the Mayor no fewer than 18 and no more than 25 nominations. Whenever a vacancy shall occur on the Commission, the Mayor may fill the vacancy from any nominations previously submitted by the Council during such Mayoral term, provided that, for any vacancy occurring more than one year after the commencement of a term, the Mayor may ask for additional nominations, and Council, pursuant to the foregoing process, shall forward to the Mayor nominations numbering no less than two and no more than three times the number of vacancies.
   (c)   Qualifications. The members shall have demonstrated experience or skills relevant to the powers and duties of the Commission including, but not limited to: sports, recreation and athletic programming; natural lands management, watershed management, and environmental protection; tourism, marketing and public relations; business and finance; neighborhood revitalization; community leadership; historical and architectural preservation; landscaping and horticulture; and fundraising. The Commission shall also be reflective of the geographic, racial, ethnic, and gender diversity within the City.
   Law Department Note (2009): Department of Recreation and Fairmount Park Commission were reconstituted, and the Board of Trustees of Camp Happy was abolished, by amendment approved November 4, 2008. See Footnote to this section.
   Sources:   Act of March 26, 1867, P.L. 547, as amended.
   Purposes:   The membership of the Fairmount Park Commission is continued as at present except that the Recreation Commissioner is added as a member ex officio because the Commission is connected with his Department and is concerned with recreational facilities and activities.



   Caption and section amended by approval of the voters at the election held on November 4, 2008, and certified on November 28, 2008. See Bill No. 080169 (approved August 4, 2008); Resolution No. 080181 (adopted June 19, 2008).