General Provisions
158.01 Purpose
158.02 Definitions
158.03 Historic districts; conservation districts; guidelines
158.04 Interim protection
158.05 Visual compatibility
158.06 Preservation of historical and architectural character upon alteration or relocation mandated
158.07 Appeal provisions
158.08 Maintenance
158.09 Relationship with zoning districts
158.10 Paint colors
158.11 Interested parties
Historic Preservation Commission
158.20 Establishment; organization
158.21 Powers and duties
Certificates of Appropriateness
158.30 Required
158.31 Application
158.32 Approval or denial
158.33 Criteria for considering effect of actions on historic buildings
158.34 Staff approval
Design Guidelines for the Downtown Historic District
158.40 Introduction and mission statement
158.41 Historic rehabilitation tax credit
158.42 Design review process: how it works
158.43 Contact information
158.44 Certificated of appropriateness
158.45 Awnings and canopies
158.46 Cornices
158.47 Doors
158.48 Windows
158.49 Foundations
158.50 Gutters and downspouts
158.51 Masonry; cleaning
158.52 Masonry; tuck pointing
158.53 Painting
158.54 Roofing
158.55 Siding
158.56 Maintenance
158.57 Neglect
158.58 Demolition
158.59 New construction
158.60 Permanent signage
158.61 Storefronts
158.62 Lighting
158.63 Parking areas
158.64 Energy conservation
158.65 Exclusions
158.66 Appeals process
158.67 Compliance
158.99 Penalty