§ 158.47 DOORS.
   (A)   The door or entrance to a historic building can be an important character-defining feature. For commercial buildings, a door is also essential to the image for attracting customers into the store. The removal of an original door, the relocation of a recessed central or side entry, or a change in the glass and wood proportions could destroy a vital design aspect of the building.
   (B)   Design guidelines.
      (1)   Retain the size, proportion and detailing of the original doorway opening.
      (2)   Retain and repair original doors.
      (3)   If a door is missing, has deteriorated beyond repair, or is not energy efficient the replacement door shall match the original in size and design as much as possible. If documentation is not found, new doors and storm doors shall be appropriate to the style and period of the building.
      (4)   Choose storm doors that complement, reveal and visually enhance the historic door of the building.
      (5)   Doors that are generally used for residential buildings shall not be considered.
(Ord. 14, 2011, passed 10-3-11)