634.01 Scope.
634.02 Definitions.
634.03 General prohibition.
634.04 Musical instruments; radios; phonographs.
634.05 Swimming pools.
634.06 Animals.
634.07 Schools and churches.
634.08 Loading and unloading.
634.09 Residential landscaping equipment; snow removal equipment exempted.
634.10 Vehicle repairs.
634.11 Construction operations.
634.12 Motor vehicle operation.
634.13 Exceptions to chapter.
634.14 Fixed source noise levels.
634.15 Amplified sound.
634.16 Vibrations.
634.17 Inspections.
634.18 Variances.
634.19 Test procedures; standards.
634.20 Citations.
Barking or howling dogs - see GEN. OFF. 618.07
Peace disturbances - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 648