General Provisions
150.001 Building Official; Building Code Committee
150.002 Limitations on administrative authority
150.003 Violations
150.004 Duties owed to public only
150.005 Expenses to enable investigations
Building Code
150.020 Building code adopted
150.021 Permit issuance during rezoning
150.022 Waiting period for demolition permits
Electrical Code
150.035 Electrical code adopted
150.036 Definitions
150.037 Conflicting provisions
150.038 Alternate materials and methods of construction
150.039 Modifications
150.040 Tests
150.041 Enforcement
150.042 Unsafe electrical systems or equipment
150.043 Violations
150.044 Permits and inspections
150.045 Application for permit
150.046 Permit issuance and expiration
150.047 Fees
150.048 Licensing
150.049 Inspections
150.050 Connection approval
Mechanical Code
150.065 Mechanical code adopted
150.066 Violations
150.067 Permits
150.068 Certificate of competency
150.069 Fees
150.070 Licensing
150.071 Inspections
Plumbing Code
150.085 Plumbing code adopted
150.086 Administrative authority
150.087 Duties, power of administrative authority
150.088 Violations
150.089 Permits
150.090 Fees
150.091 Licensing
150.092 Damage to drainage system or public sewer
150.093 Damage to public sewer or private sewage disposal system
150.094 Size of building sewers
150.095 Residential fire sprinkler system
Dangerous Buildings
150.110 Purpose and scope
150.111 Definition
150.112 Enforcement
150.113 Notices, order of Building Official
150.114 Repair, vacation, demolition
150.115 Appeal
150.116 Enforcement of order of Building Official