§ 150.067 PERMITS.
   “Permits” is hereby amended by repealing subsection (b) “Exempt work” and enacting a new subsection (b) to read as follows:
      “1.   Exempt work. A mechanical permit will not be required for the following:
         a.   Any portable heating appliance, portable ventilating equipment, portable cooling unit or portable evaporative cooler.
         b.   Any closed system of steam, hot or chilled water piping within heating and cooling equipment regulated by this code.
         c.   Replacement of any component part or assembly of an appliance which does not alter its original approval and complies with other applicable requirements of this code.
         d.   Any refrigeration equipment which is part of the equipment for which a permit has been issued pursuant to the requirements of this code.
         e.   Any unit refrigerating system.
         f.   Replacement of any existing domestic gas range or domestic gas clothes dryer as regulated by this subchapter.
         g.   Any domestic ventilation fan connected to a single duct.
         h.   For the installation of each domestic hood which is served by mechanical exhausts, including the ducts for such hood.
      Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.”
(Prior Code, § 6-13-35)