General Provisions
151.001 Intent and purpose
151.002 Definitions
151.003 Interpretation
151.004 Lot coverage
151.005 Lot area and dimension
151.006 Access to a public street
151.007 Number of buildings on a zoning lot
151.008 Rezoning of public and semi-public areas
151.009 Accessory buildings
151.010 Existing special uses
151.011 Uses not specifically permitted in districts
151.012 Fences
151.013 Permission to use downtown sidewalks for retail purposes
151.014 Reserved
151.015 Standards for solar energy systems
Non-Conforming Buildings and Uses
151.020 Continuance of use
151.021 Discontinuance of use
151.022 Termination and removal of non-conforming uses, buildings and structures
151.023 Repairs and alterations
151.024 Damage and destruction
151.025 Additions and enlargements
151.026 Exempted buildings, structures and uses
Use Districts
151.035 Use districts
151.036 Zoning map
151.037 Zoning of annexed land
151.038 Zoning of streets, alleys, public ways and railroad rights-of-way
151.039 Boundary lines
Residential Districts
151.050 Permitted uses
151.051 Lots or parcels of land of record
151.052 Requirements
MH-1 Mobile Home District
151.060 Trailers and mobile homes
151.061 Planned mobile home parks
151.062 Use regulations
151.063 Size and density of mobile home park
151.064 Permitted obstructions
151.065 Screening
151.066 Certificate of use occupancy required
Business Districts
151.075 Permitted uses
151.076 Conditions of use
151.077 Height of buildings
151.078 Transitional yards
151.079 Signs
Manufacturing Districts
151.090 Permitted uses
151.091 Conditions of use
151.092 Height of buildings
151.093 Lot coverage
151.094 Yard areas
151.095 Performance standards
151.096 Signs
Off-Street Parking and Loading
151.105 Purpose
151.106 General provisions; parking and loading
151.107 Additional regulations; parking
151.108 Design and maintenance
151.109 Location of accessory off-street parking facilities
151.110 Schedule of parking requirements
151.111 Additional regulations; off-street loading
151.112 Schedule of loading requirements
Public Sidewalks, Curbs and Driveways
151.120 Permit required
151.121 Plans and specifications
151.122 Reserved
Subdivision Regulations
151.130 General provisions
151.131 Approvals, interpretations and exceptions
151.132 Rules
151.133 Design standards
151.134 Pre-application procedure
151.135 Procedure for filing of preliminary plans
151.136 Approval of final plat
151.137 Agreements
151.138 Required land improvements
151.139 Construction and inspection
151.140 Acceptance of streets and improvements
151.141 Variations and exceptions
151.142 Building permit
151.143 Occupancy permit
151.144 Blasting
151.145 Enforcement
151.146 Record of plats
Wind Energy Conversion System Regulations
151.150 WECS towers
151.151 Quadrants of the city for WECS purposes
151.152 Prohibition of WECS
151.153 Special use variations
151.155 Enforcing officer
151.156 Building permits, certificate of compliance and use permits
151.157 Planning and Zoning Commission
151.158 Variations
151.159 Special use variations
151.160 Planned developments
151.161 Change of zoning
151.162 Miscellaneous
151.163 Stay of proceedings
151.164 Amendments
151.165 Interpretation: purpose and conflict
151.166 Fees
151.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Residential Districts
Appendix B: Business Districts
Appendix C: Manufacturing Districts
Appendix D: Selected illustrations