(A) No mobile home/trailer unit and/or park shall be occupied until a certificate of use and occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Administrator to the effect that the mobile home park or the portion thereof for which such certificate is requested is in compliance with all provisions of this chapter.
(B) Every mobile home occupied as a dwelling unit located in the city after the date of adoption of this chapter shall meet the minimum standards for plumbing, heating and electrical systems as defined by the American Standards Association project A 119.1 approved 1974. Mobile homes that display the official seal and register number of the Mobile Home Manufacturers Association and the Trailer Coach Association will be considered to comply with the American Standards Association standard 119.9. Mobile homes that do not meet these minimum standards for plumbing, heating and electrical systems will not be issued a certificate of use and occupancy permit by the Building Administrator.
(C) The minimum standards for plumbing, heating and electrical systems as defined by the American Standards Association Project A 119.1 approved 1974, are hereby made a part of and incorporated by reference into this chapter.
(D) This requirement will not apply to occupied mobile homes in the city prior to the adoption of this chapter, nor to units built prior to March 12, 1963.
(Ord. 88-30, passed 8-8-88)