Exceptions to parking regulations. Within the area determined by the Plan Commission to be the Central Business District the parking regulations set forth herein shall not apply. However, existing off-street parking in the Central Business District which is located on the same lot as the building or use served and which was in existence on the effective date of this chapter or was provided voluntarily after the date of this chapter, shall not hereafter be reduced below the requirements of this chapter for a similar new building or use.
   (A)   Use of parking facilities. Off-street parking facilities accessory to residential uses and developed in any residential district in accordance with the requirements herein shall be used solely for the parking of passenger automobiles owned by occupants of the dwelling structures to which such facilities are accessory or by guests of said occupants. Under no circumstances shall required parking facilities accessory to residential structures be used for the storage of commercial vehicles or for the parking of automobiles belonging to the employees, owners, tenants, visitors, or customers of business or manufacturing establishments.
   (B)   Joint parking facilities. Off-street parking facilities for different buildings, structures or uses or for mixed uses may be provided collectively in any zoning district in which separate parking facilities for each constituent use would be permitted, provided that the total number of spaces so located together shall not be less than the sum of the separate requirements for each use.
   (C)   Computation. When determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required herein results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction of one-half or less may be disregarded while a fraction in excess of one-half shall be counted as one parking space.
   (D)   Size. A required off-street parking space shall be at least ten feet in width and at least 20 feet in length, exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, columns or office or work areas. Such space shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet.
   (E)   Access. Each required off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such parking space. All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movements. No driveway across public property nor curb cut shall exceed a width of 30 feet.
   (F)   In yards. Off-street parking spaces may be allowed in any yards except required front yards. Driveways into and/or thru front yards may be used as off-street parking spaces.
(Ord. 88-30, passed 8-8-88) Penalty, see § 151.999