Title, Enactment and Purpose
157.001 Title, enactment and preamble
157.002 Short title
157.003 Purpose
Establishment of Zoning Districts and Provision for Zoning Map
157.015 Official zoning map
157.016 Zoning map changes
157.017 Replacement of official zoning map
157.018 Responsibility for maintenance of the official zoning map
157.019 Rules for interpretation of zoning district boundaries
157.030 Bona fide farm operations exempt
Definitions of Terms
157.045 General interpretations
157.046 Word and term definitions
Establishment of Zoning Districts
157.060 Districts established
157.061 R-15, Residential District
157.062 R-15A, Residential District
157.063 R-25, Residential District
157.064 R-25A, Residential District
157.065 R-35A, Residential District
157.066 RMH-15, Residential Manufactured Home District
157.067 RMH-25, Residential Manufactured Home District
157.068 RMH-35, Residential Manufactured Home District
157.069 C-1, Commercial District
157.070 I-1, Industrial District
157.071 I-2, Industrial District
157.072 A-1, Agricultural District
157.073 A-2, Agricultural District
157.074 O&I, Office and Institutional District
157.075 M-F, Multi-Family District
157.076 P-1, Prison District
Application of General Regulations
157.090 Use
157.091 Only one principal building, one principal use on lot and orientation of a building
157.092 Minimum yards
157.093 Lot subdivision
157.094 Certificate of occupancy
District Regulations
157.105 Table of permitted uses
157.106 Formulation of permitted uses table
157.107 Notes to the table of permitted uses
Table of Area, Yard and Height Requirements
157.120 Table of area, yard and height requirements
157.121 Notes to the table of area, yard and height requirements
Provisions for Uses Allowed as Special and Conditional Uses
157.135 Objectives and purposes of special use permits
157.136 Special use permits
157.137 Additional restrictions imposed on certain special and conditional uses requirements
157.138 Additional restrictions imposed on certain special and conditional uses
Development Standards
157.150 Off-street parking and off-street loading requirements
157.151 Minimum parking requirements
157.152 Landscaping and buffer yards
157.153 Landscape and design standards for street yard buffers
157.154 Landscaping within parking areas
157.155 Property line buffers
157.156 Additional buffer yards and screening
157.157 Features allowed within buffer yards
157.158 Plant materials
157.159 Plant installation and maintenance
Nonconforming Situations
157.170 Definitions
157.171 Continuation of nonconforming situations and completion of nonconforming projects
157.172 Nonconforming lots
157.173 Extension or enlargement of nonconforming situations
157.174 Change in kind of nonconforming use
157.175 Abandonment or discontinuance of nonconforming situations
157.176 Termination of nonconforming situations
157.177 Completion of nonconforming projects
Administration and Enforcement
157.190 Administration and enforcement
157.191 Technical review committee
157.192 Site plan approval
157.193 Zoning certificate
157.194 Building permits
157.195 Certificate of occupancy/compliance
157.196 Compliance with state guidelines for areas of environmental concern
157.197 Vested rights
Board of Adjustment
157.210 Creating the Board of Adjustment
157.211 Jurisdiction of Board of Adjustment
157.212 Rules for proceedings of the Board of Adjustment
157.213 Powers of Board
157.214 Appeal to the Board of Adjustment
157.215 Appeal from decision of the Board of Adjustment
Adoption and Amendment Procedures
157.230 Purpose and scope
157.231 Planning board review
157.232 Initiation of amendments
157.233 Amendment by petition
157.234 Public hearing
157.235 Notice requirements
157.236 Consistency and reasonableness statements
157.237 Pending applications
157.238 Down-zoning
157.239 Moratoria
Legal Status Provisions
157.250 Validity
157.251 Separability
157.252 Effective date
157.999 Penalty
A chapter, in pursuance of the authority granted by G.S. Chapter 160D, for the purposes of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare; to provide for the establishment of zoning districts within the county, to regulate within those districts the location, height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the required open space, the density of population, and the uses of land, buildings, and other structures; to provide methods of administration of this chapter; to prescribe penalties for the violation thereof; and to supersede any ordinances in conflict herewith.
(A) Whereas, the County Commissioners deem it necessary, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the county to enact such an ordinance; and
(B) Whereas, the County Commissioners have created a Planning Board to prepare a proposed zoning ordinance, including both the full text of such ordinance and zoning maps showing proposed district boundaries; and
(C) Whereas, the Planning Board has divided the county into districts and has prepared regulations pertaining to such districts in accordance with a comprehensive plan and appropriate land use studies, and designed to lessen congestion, to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and
(D) Whereas, the Planning Board has given reasonable consideration, among other things, to the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses, with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land through those areas of the county under the jurisdiction of this chapter; and
(E) Whereas, the Planning Board has certified its proposed zoning ordinance to the County Commissioners; and
(F) Whereas, the County Commissioners have given due public notice of hearings relating to adopting the zoning ordinance in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and G.S. Ch. 160D, Art. 18, and have held such public hearings; and
(G) Whereas, all requirements of the General Statutes of North Carolina, with regard to the preparation of the proposed ordinance by the Planning Board in accordance with a comprehensive plan, and subsequent action of the County Commissioners have been met;
(H) Now therefore, the Board of Commissioners of the county, does hereby ordain and enact into law throughout the areas designated on the official zoning map(s) of the county except as otherwise provided in G.S. Chapter 160D the following articles and sections, this the 21st day of June, 2021.
(Ord. passed 6-21-2021)
This chapter shall be known as the “Zoning Ordinance of Pasquotank County, North Carolina.” The zoning map(s) herein referred to, which is identified by the title “Official Zoning Map of Pasquotank County, North Carolina,” shall be known as the “Zoning Map.”
(Ord. passed 6-21-2021)