1187.01 Purposes.
1187.02 Accessory parking facilities required.
1187.03 Continuation of existing facilities.
1187.04 Consideration in the issuance adjacent areas.
1187.05 Measurement standards.
1187.06 Schedule of required off-street parking.
1187.07 Separate or combined use of facilities.
1187.08 Maximum spaces for residences.
1187.09 Location of parking facilities.
1187.10 Accessways to parking areas.
1187.11 Parking area improvements.
1187.12 Yard regulations; protection of adjacent areas.
1187.13 Signs in parking areas.
1187.14 Illumination of parking areas.
1187.15 Off-street loading facilities.
1187.16 Existing uses.
Districts and Zone Map - see P. & Z. 1161.01 et seq.
B-1 District parking - see P. & Z. 1179.01
C-1 District parking - see P. & Z. 1183.01
Building permits - see BLDG. 1325.01 et seq.
Maintenance of parking lots - see GEN. OFF. 660.05
Off-street parking and loading requirements are established within the classes of zoning districts established by Section 1161.01 to promote the general convenience, welfare and prosperity of the community. More specific purposes are:
(a) To relieve congestion on streets, so that they can be utilized more fully for movement of traffic;
(b) To promote the safety and convenience of pedestrians and shoppers by distributing car movements in the vicinity of intense car concentration;
(c) To protect residences from vehicular traffic congestion in adjacent business and other places of intense car concentration;
(d) To promote the prosperity of present and future business developments, which depend upon provisions for such conveniences; and
(e) To protect residents and pedestrians from the hazards created by use of the streets for parking in areas where an excessive number of vehicles are to be parked.
(Ord. 1958-56. Passed 7-28-58.)
Accessory off-street parking facilities (including accessways) shall be provided as a condition precedent to occupancy of a residential, institutional, business, commercial and manufacturing development, in all of such classes of zoning, in conformance with the following provisions of this chapter:
(a) Whenever a building is constructed or a new use established;
(b) Whenever an existing building is altered and there is an increase of the number of dwelling units, seating capacity and/or floor areas of the building; or
(c) Whenever the use of an existing building is changed to a use requiring more off- street parking spaces.
(Ord. 1958-56. Passed 7-28-58.)
All existing off-street parking facilities or those required as accessory to a proposed or altered building or use shall continue unobstructed in operation and shall not be reduced below required size as long as the main building use remains, unless an equivalent number of spaces is provided for such facilities in another location.
(Ord. 1958-56. Passed 7-28-58.)