(a)   There is hereby established within the Department of Public Service a division to be known as the Division of Public Housing. It shall consist of a Director and such other employees as may be necessary, all of whom shall be appointed by the Director of Public Service.
   (b)   The purpose of the Division, at the direction of its Director and under the supervision of the Mayor and the Director of Public Service, shall be to exercise and perform all powers and duties of the Parma Public Housing Agency which are executive in nature. To the extent that it has been authorized and directed to do so by Council, the Division shall construct, rehabilitate, equip, maintain, operate, administer and lease facilities for housing of elderly persons and persons of low and moderate income, and appurtenant facilities. To facilitate those functions, it shall have the power and authority to:
      (1)   Apply for and facilitate the receipt of grants from State, Federal or other governments, or from private sources; conduct investigations and studies of housing and living conditions; and enter any building or property in order to conduct investigations;
      (2)   Prepare and submit to Council studies of what areas of the City constitute slums; prepare and submit plans for housing projects; effectuate the purchase, lease, sale, exchange, transfer, assignment or mortgage of any property, real or personal, or any interest therein, or the acquisition of the same by gift, bequest or eminent domain; lease, administer or operate any project; and prepare and submit to Council proposed planning or replanning of streets, alleys and other public places or facilities in connection with any area or project; and
      (3)   Effectuate compliance with such conditions, mortgages, trusts, indentures, leases or agreements as have been authorized and directed by Council.
   (c)   In the performance of the duties of the Division, the Director of Public Service, to the extent authorized by Council, shall engage in or contract for the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair, or both, of any housing project or part thereof; include in any contract let in connection with a project, stipulations requiring that the contractor and any subcontractor comply with the requirements as to minimum wages and maximum hours of labor, and comply with any condition which the Federal government has attached to its financial aid of the project; and execute contracts and all other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers of the Parma Public Housing Agency on its behalf. With respect to such powers, including the power to contract, the Director of Public Service may authorize, in writing, the Director of the Division to exercise all or part of his or her authority in his or her name and on his or her behalf.
(Ord. 66-85. Passed 3-20-85.)