1505.01 Application of definitions.
1505.02 Alteration.
1505.03 Attic story.
1505.04 Basement.
1505.05 Building Code.
1505.06 Building Regulations.
1505.07 Buildings.
1505.08 Building line.
1505.09 Cellar.
1505.10 Court.
1505.11 Grade.
1505.12 Height of a building.
1505.13 Height of a story.
1505.14 Incombustible material.
1505.15 Lots.
1505.16 Lot line.
1505.17 Length and width of a building.
1505.18 Loads on buildings.
1505.19 Partitions.
1505.20 Repairs.
1505.21 Shall.
1505.22 Street.
1505.23 Street line.
1505.24 Veneer.
1505.25 Yards.
1505.26 Outside entranceway or door.
1505.27 Frost wall.
1505.28 Story.
1505.29 First story.
Planning and zoning definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1121