General Provisions
   52.001   Definitions
Discharge to Public Sewers
   52.015   Unlawful deposit of objectionable waste
   52.016   Discharge of pollutants to natural outlets
   52.017   Sanitary facilities and sewer connection required
   52.018   Combined sewer; connection to available storm sewer required
   52.019   Service outside city; annexation agreement
   52.020   Discharge of unpolluted waters
   52.021   Prohibited and restricted discharges
Private Sewage Disposal Systems
   52.035   Private sewage disposal restricted
   52.036   Permit; application; fee
   52.037   Inspection and approval
   52.038   Compliance with state law; lot size; discharge to natural outlet prohibited
   52.039   Available public sanitary sewer; connection required
   52.040   Owner responsibility
   52.041   Additional requirements by health officers
   52.042   Occupancy; permit required
   52.043   Disposal by private waste haulers
Construction and Connections; Building Sewers
   52.055   Discharges; standards apply
   52.056   Construction; permit required
   52.057   Permit classes; application and fees
   52.058   Adequate capacity of system facilities required
   52.059   Costs and damages; owner responsible
   52.060   Separate building sewer required; exception
   52.061   Construction and materials; standards
   52.062   Elevation; artificial lift
   52.063   Unpolluted water; discharge to sanitary sewer prohibited
   52.064   Connection to public sewer; standards
   52.065   Inspection and supervised connection
   52.066   Excavations; barricades; restoration
   52.067   Repairs; responsibility
Administration and Enforcement
   52.080   Tampering with sewage works unlawful
   52.081   Right of entry; safety rules; easements
   52.082   Violations; notice to correct; liability for damages
Rates and Charges
   52.095   Wastewater service charges; basis
   52.096   Flow measurement
   52.097   Debt service charge established
   52.098   Minimum charge and basic user rate
   52.099   Excessive waste surcharges
   52.100   Surcharge basis computation
   52.101   Wastewater service charge computation
   52.102   Billing and payment; late fees and service charges
   52.103   Delinquent bill; lien; notice
   52.104   Lien foreclosure
   52.105   Disposition of revenues
   52.106   Accounts; annual audit reports
   52.107   Notice of rates
   52.108   Access to records
   52.109   Appeals of computation
   52.999   Penalty
   Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment, see Chapter 53