18.12.040   Site Development Standards
   (a)   Site Specifications, Building Size, Height and Bulk, and Residential Density
   The development standards for the R-1 district and the R-1 subdistricts are shown in Table 2,except:
   (1)   To the extend such standards may be modified by Section 18.42.180 for two-family uses pursuant to California Government Code Section 65852.21 (SB 9, 2021):
   (2)   On Housing Element opportunity sites (faith-based institutions): development standards for Multiple-Family uses are identified in Section 18.14.020, which states that sites shall meet the development standards for the RM-30 zoning district, except that Maximum FAR shall be 1.25.
R-1 Subdistricts
Subject to Regulations in Chapter:
R-1 (7,000)*
R-1 (8,000)*
R-1 (10,000)*
R-1 (20,000)*
* Subdistricts based on minimum lot size (sq. ft)
R-1 Subdistricts
Subject to Regulations in Chapter:
R-1 (7,000)*
R-1 (8,000)*
R-1 (10,000)*
R-1 (20,000)*
* Subdistricts based on minimum lot size (sq. ft)
Minimum Site Specifications
Site area (sq. ft.)
All lots except flag lots (1)
Flag lots
As established by Section 21.20.301 (Subdivision Ordinance)
Site Width (ft)
Site Depth (ft)
Maximum Lot Size
Lot area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Setbacks
Setback lines imposed by a special setback map pursuant to Chapter 20.08 of this code may also apply
Front Yard (ft.)
Rear Yard (ft.)
Interior Side Yard (ft.)
Street Side Yard (ft.)
Maximum Height
(as measured to the peak of the roof) (ft.)
30 (3)
Maximum Height for buildings with a roof pitch of 12:12 or greater
33 (3)
With (S) Combining
17 feet; limited to one habitable floor (4,5)
Side Yard Daylight Plane 
(Excludes street side yards)
Initial Height
10 feet at interior side lot line (6)
Angle (Degrees)
45 (6)
Rear Yard Daylight Plane
Initial Height
16 feet at rear setback line (6)
Angle (Degrees)
60 (6)
Maximum Site Coverage:
Single story development
Equivalent to maximum allowable floor area ratio (7)
With (S) Combining
Equivalent to maximum allowable floor area ratio (7)
Multiple story development
35% (7)
Additional area permitted to be covered by a patio or overhang
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Table 3 18.04.030(a)(65C) 18.12.040(b)
First 5,000 sq. ft. of lot size
Square footage of lot size in excess of 5,000 sq. ft.
Maximum House Size (sq. ft.)
6,000 (8)
Residential Density
One unit, except as provided in Section 18.12.090
See Residential Parking, Section 18.12.060
Chs. 18.52, 18.54
* Subdistricts may be reflected on the Zoning Map as R-1(650), R-l(743), R-l(929) and R-1(1,858), respectively, reflecting the minimum lot size in square meters rather than in square feet.
Notes to Table 2:
   (1)   Minimum Lot Size: Any lot less than the minimum lot size may be used in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.40.080.
   (2)   Contextual Front Setbacks: See Section 18.12.040(e) for application of contextual front setbacks.
   (3)   R-1 Floodzone Heights: Provided, in a special flood hazard area as defined in Chapter 16.52, the maximum heights are increased by one-half of the increase in elevation required to reach base flood elevation, up to a maximum building height of 33 feet.
   (4)   R-1 (S) Height Limitations: Habitable floors include lofts, mezzanines, and similar areas with interior heights of five feet (5') or more from the roof to the floor, but shall exclude finished basements and shall exclude attics that have no stairway or built-in access.
   (5)   R-1 (S) Floodzone Heights: Provided, in a special flood hazard area as defined in Chapter 16.52, the maximum height is increased by one-half of the increase in elevation required to reach base flood elevations, up to a maximum building height of 20 feet.
   (6)   R-1 Floodzone Daylight Plane: Provided, if the site is in a special flood hazard area and is entitled to an increase in the maximum height, the heights for the daylight planes shall be adjusted by the same amount.
   (7)   Site Coverage: The covering of a court is exempt from the calculation of site coverage provided that the court existed prior to July 20, 1978.
   (8)   Maximum House Size: The gross floor area of attached garages and attached accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units are included in the calculation of maximum house size. If there is no garage attached to the house, then the square footage of one detached covered parking space shall be included in the calculation.
   (b)   Gross Floor Area Summary
   The following table summarizes how "gross floor area" is counted, for the purpose of compliance with floor area ratio limits outlined in Table 2. "Gross floor area" means the total covered area of all floors of a main structure and accessory structures greater than one hundred twenty square feet in area, including covered parking and stairways, measured to the outside surface of stud walls, subject to the following inclusions, conditions, and exclusions. For exact language, refer to Section 18.04.030(a)(65), Gross Floor Area definition.
Included In GFA
Excluded from GFA
Included In GFA
Excluded from GFA
Accessory structures greater than 120 sq. ft.
Second floor equivalent; areas with heights >17'
* (counted twice)
Third floor equivalent: areas with heights > 26'
* (counted three times)
Third floor equivalent, where roof pitch is > 4:12
* up to 200 sq.ft. of unusable space
Garages and carports
Porte cocheres
Entry feature < 12' in height, if not substantially enclosed and not recessed
* (counted once)
Vaulted entry > 12' in height
* (footprint counted twice)
Fireplace footprint
* (counted once)
First floor roofed or unenclosed porches
First floor recessed porches <10' in depth and open on exterior side
Second floor roofed or enclosed porches, arcades, balconies, porticos, breeze-ways
Basements (complying with patio & lightwell requirements described in Section 18.12.090)
Areas on floors above the first floor where the height from the floor level to the underside of the rafter or finished roof surface is 5' or greater
Bay windows (if at least 18" above interior floor, does not project more than 2', and more than 50% is covered by windows)
Basement area for Category 1 - 4 Historic Homes or contributing structure within a historic district, and individually listed homes on the National Register of Historic Places or California Register of Historic Resources (even if the finished level of the first floor is greater than 3' above grade)
Usable attic space for Category 1- 4 Historic Homes or contributing structure within a historic district, and individually listed homes on the National Register of Historic Places or California Register of Historical Resources
* (up to 500 sq.ft.)
   (c)   Substandard and Flag Lots
   The following site development regulations shall apply to all new construction on substandard and flag lots in lieu of comparable provisions in subsection (a).
      (1)   Substandard Lots
         (A)   For the purposes of this subsection (c), a substandard lot shall be a lot with a width of less than 50 feet or a depth of less than 83 feet and an area less than 83% of the minimum area required by the zoning of the parcel.
         (B)   Development standards:
            (i)   The maximum height shall be 17 feet, as measured to the peak of the roof.
            (ii)   There shall be a limit of one habitable floor. Habitable floors include loft, mezzanines, and similar areas with interior heights of five feet (5') or more from the roof to the floor, but exclude basements and exclude attics that have no stairway or built-in access. The chief building official shall make the final determination as to whether a floor is habitable.
            (iii)   For lots less than 50 feet in width, the required street side setback shall be 10 feet.
            (iv)   Substandard lots shall not be subject to the R-1 contextual garage placement requirement.
         (C)   Nothing in this subsection (c) shall affect or otherwise redefine the provisions of Section 18.40.080(a) as to whether a substandard lot may be used as a lot under this title.
      (2)   Flag Lots
         (A)   A flag lot shall be defined as set forth in Section 18.04.030(a)(84)(B).
         (B)   Flag Lot Development Standards:
            (i)   The maximum height shall be 17 feet, as measured to the peak of the roof.
            (ii)   There shall be a limit of one habitable floor. Habitable floors include lofts, mezzanines, and similar areas with interior heights of five feet (5') or more from the roof to the floor, but exclude basements and exclude attics that have no stairway or built-in access. The chief building official shall make the final determination as to whether a floor is habitable.
            (iii)   Front Setback: 10 feet. Flag lots are not subject to contextual front setback requirements.
   (d)   Maximum Lot Sizes in R-1 District and R-1 Subdistricts
   This provision limits the potential for lot combinations with a net loss of housing stock and resultant homes that would be out of scale with homes in the surrounding neighborhood. In the R-1 district and all R-1 subdistricts, no new lot shall be created equal to or exceeding two times the minimum lot size prescribed for the district, except that where 6,000 minimum square foot lots are required in an R-1 district, no new lot shall exceed a maximum lot size of 9,999 square feet, as prescribed in Table 2. Lots larger than the prescribed maximum size are permitted only under the following circumstances: (i) where a village residential land use is approved concurrent with the new lot, resulting in no net loss of housing units on the site(s); (ii) where underlying lots must be merged to eliminate nonconformities and no net loss of housing units would result; (iii) where an adjacent substandard lot of less than 25 feet in width is combined with another lot, resulting in no net loss of housing units on the site(s); or (iv) where the number of resultant lots increases or stays the same and results in no net loss of housing units.
   (e)   Contextual Front Setbacks
   The minimum front yard (“setback”) shall be the greater of twenty feet (20') or the average setback, if the average front setback is 30 feet or more. “Average setback” means the average distance between the front property line and the first main structural element, including covered porches, on sites on the same side of the block, including existing structures on the subject parcel. This calculation shall exclude flag lots and existing multifamily developments of three units or more. For calculation purposes, if five (5) or more properties on the block are counted, the single greatest and the single least setbacks shall be excluded. The street sideyard setback of corner lots that have the front side of their parcel (the narrowest street-facing lot line) facing another street shall be excluded from the calculations. For blocks longer than 600 feet, the average setback shall be based on no more than ten sites located on the same side of the street and nearest to the subject property, plus the subject site, and for a distance no greater than 600 feet. Blocks with three (3) or fewer eligible parcels are not subject to contextual setbacks. Structures on the site in no case may be located closer than twenty feet (20') from the front property line.
   (f)   Contextual Garage and Carport Placement
   If the predominant neighborhood pattern is of garages or carports located within the rear half of the site, or with no garage or carport present, attached garages/carports shall be located in the rear half of the house footprint. Otherwise, an attached garage/carport may be located in the front half of the house footprint. “Predominant neighborhood pattern” means the existing garage/carport placement pattern for more than half of the houses on the same side of the block, including the subject site. This calculation shall exclude flag lots, corner lots and existing multifamily developments of three or more units. For blocks longer than 600 feet, the calculations shall be based on the 10 homes located nearest to and on the same side of the block as the subject property, plus the subject site, but for a distance no greater than 600 feet. Detached garages/carports shall be located in the rear half of the site and, if within a rear or side setback, at least 75 feet from the front property line. Detached garages/carports on lots of less than 95 feet in depth, however, may be placed in a required interior side or rear yard if located in the rear half of the lot. Access shall be provided from a rear alley if the existing development pattern provides for alley access. For the calculation of corner lots, the “predominant pattern” shall be established for the street where the new garage/carport fronts.
   (g)   Garage Doors
   For garages located within 50 feet from a street frontage, on lots less than 75 feet in width, the total combined width of garage doors that are parallel to the street shall not exceed 20 feet.
   (h)   Minimum Permeable Surface in Front Yard
   A minimum of 60% of the required front yard shall have a permeable surface that permits water absorption directly into the soil. Provided, all sites may have an impervious 16' x 20' driveway and an impervious 4' x 20' walkway within the front yard setback.
   (i)   Special Setbacks
   Where applicable, setback lines imposed by a special setback map pursuant to Chapter 20.08 of this code shall be followed for the purpose of determining legal setback requirements.
   (j)   Certification of Daylight Plane Compliance
   Upon request by the building official, any person building or making improvements to a structure shall provide a certification that the structure, as built, complies with the daylight plane provisions in subsection (a). Such certification shall be prepared by a licensed engineer, architect, or surveyor, and shall be provided prior to frame inspection.
   (k)   Lighting
   Recreational and security lighting shall be permitted only so long as the lighting is shielded so that the direct light does not extend beyond the property where it is located. Free-standing recreational and security lighting installed on or later than March 11, 1991 shall be restricted to twelve feet (12') in height. Direct light from outdoor fixtures shall only fall on the walls, eaves, and yard areas of the site on which it is located. Outdoor fixtures shall have lens covers or reflectors that direct the light away from the neighboring properties.
   (l)   Location of Noise-Producing Equipment and Electrification Equipment
      (1)   Electrification Equipment and any associated housing, screening, insulation, or bollards necessary to enable compliance with the applicable regulations, including Chapter 9.10 of this Code, shall provide a minimum three foot interior side and rear yard setback and a minimum ten foot street sideyard setback. Except as otherwise provided in this Title for EVSE and energy storage systems, Electrification Equipment shall not be located in the required front yard setback and shall at all times provide sufficient clearance for fire safety purposes. All other noise-producing equipment, such as gas powered generators, commercial kitchen fans, and similar service equipment, shall be located outside of the front, rear and side yard setbacks. Such equipment may, however, be located up to six feet into a street sideyard setback. All noise-producing equipment, including Electrification Equipment, shall be insulated and housed, except where doing so would interfere with the recommended operation of the equipment. The planning director may also permit installation without housing and insulation, provided that a combination of technical noise specifications, location of equipment, and/or other screening or buffering will assure compliance with the city’s Noise Ordinance at the nearest property line. All service equipment must meet the city’s Noise Ordinance in Chapter 9.10 of the Municipal Code.
      (2)   Where existing improvements comply with front setback requirements, EVSE may encroach up to four feet into the required front setback. Where existing improvements do not comply with front setback requirements, EVSE may encroach into the otherwise required front setback by two feet beyond the existing improvement. EVSE and energy storage systems and associated equipment and safety bollards may be located within required on-siteparking spaces, as further described in PAMC Chapter 18.54 Section 18.54.020.
      (3)   The Planning Director may publish administrative regulations to further implement this subsection (l), including a list of equipment or technologies that may presumptively be installed without housing and insulation due to noise generation below applicable maximums.
   (m)   In addition to standards contained in and referenced in this Chapter, single-family residential development, including the development of a primary residence and one or more accessory dwelling units and development pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65852.21 and 66411.7 shall comply with the objective standards for two-story development adopted by the City Council. However, an applicant seeking to deviate from the objective standards may submit an application for single family review pursuant to Section 18.12.110.
(Ord. 5641 § 10, 2024: Ord. 5601 § 3 (part), 2023: Ord. 5587 § 10, 2023: Ord. 5542 § 9, 2022: Ord. 5538 § 9, 2021: Ord. 5432 § 6 (part), 2018: Ord. 5412 § 13, 2017: Ord. 5373 § 9 (part), 2016: Ord. 4964 §§ 11 - 13, 2007: Ord. 4891 § 4, 2006: Ord. 4869 § 14 (Exh. A [part]), 2005: Ord. 5608 § 4, 2024)