This subsection implements the rezoning required to meet the RHNA in the 2023-2031 Housing Element, pursuant to Appendix D. Regulations identified in Table 1 and Table 2 modify and replace development standards provided in base zoning district and applicable combining district regulations.
(a) Applicability: This subsection applies to Housing Development Projects, as defined in Cal. Gov’t Code § 65589.5, on Housing Element opportunity sites listed in Appendix D and on sites within the GM/ROLM and El Camino Real Focus Areas depicted in Figure 1 and Figure 3.
(b) Permitted Uses: Refer to the base zoning district and applicable combining districts for allowed uses, except:
(i) Exclusively residential uses are permitted on all Housing Element opportunity sites.
(ii) Combining district use regulations shall not apply to exclusively residential projects on housing opportunity sites designated in Appendix D of the Housing Element to accommodate lower income households.
(iii) Sites zoned to allow mixed use development and are identified in Appendix D of the Housing Element as suitable for lower income households, must be developed with a minimum of two-thirds residential floor area.
(c) Development Standards: Refer to base zoning district and applicable combining districts for development standards except:
(i) Residential uses on R-1 zoned sites (faith-based institutions) shall be subject to the development standards for the RM-30 zoning district, pursuant to Chapter 18.13.040, except that Maximum FAR shall be 1.25 and minimum density shall be 20 units per acre.
(ii) RM-20, RM-30, RM-40, CN, CS, CC, CC(2), CD-C, and CD-N zoned sites as modified by Table 1.
(iii) GM, ROLM, and RP zoned sites as modified by Table 2.
(iv) PF zoned sites shall meet the following development standards:
(A) Downtown sites: CD-C standards, pursuant to Table 1 below.
(B) California Avenue sites: CC(2) standards, pursuant to Table 1 below.
(v) Specific Stanford University-owned sites and El Camino Real Focus Area sites may, as an alternative to State Density Bonus Law, meet base district regulations as modified by Table 3. Housing Development Projects that utilize State Density Bonus Law shall be subject to base district standards or standards provided in Tables 1 and 2, as applicable. Additionally, El Camino Real Focus Area sites shall:
(vi) Combining district design and development standards shall not apply to exclusively residential projects on housing opportunity sites designated in Appendix D of the Housing Element to accommodate lower income households.
Table 1
Housing Element Opportunity Site Development Standards
(Residential and Commercial Mixed Use Districts)
Base Zoning District | Maximum Far(1) |
Minimum Landscape Coverage | Residential Density (du/ac)(4) |
Other Development Standards | ||
Residential | Total
Minimum | Maximum
Base Zoning District | Maximum Far(1) |
Minimum Landscape Coverage | Residential Density (du/ac)(4) |
Other Development Standards | ||
Residential | Total
Minimum | Maximum
| |||
CC(2) | 1.5 | 2.0 | (3) | 20 | See base district regulations: 18.16.060 | See base district regulations: 18.16.060 |
CC | 1.25 | 1.25 | (3) | 20 | ||
CS (El Camino Real) | 1.25 | 1.25 | (3) | 20 | ||
CS (Other | 1.25 | 1.25 | (3) | 20 | See HE Appendix D | |
CN (El Camino Real) | 1.25 | 1.25 | 30%(3) | 20 | See base district regulations: 18.16.060 | |
CN (Other) | 1.25 | 1.25 | 30%(3) | 20 | See HE Appendix D | |
CD-C | 2.0 | 2.0 (2) | (3) | 20 | See base district regulations: 18.18.060 | See base district regulations: 18.18.060 |
CD-N | 1.5 | 1.5 | (3) | 20 | See HE Appendix D | |
RP | 1.25 | 1.25 | (3) | 25 | None; 40 du/ac anticipated | See base district regulations: 18.20.040 |
RM-40 | 1.5 | 1.5 | (3) | 31 | See HE Appendix D | See base district regulations: 18.13.040 |
RM-30 | 1.25 | 1.25 | (3) | 20 | ||
RM-20 | 1.25 | 1.25 | See 18.13.040 | 20 | ||
NV-R3 | See base district regulations: 18.29.060, except that maximum height shall be 50', maximum lot coverage shall be 70%, and minimum density shall be 25 du/ac. | |||||
(1) Nothing in this table increases the non-residential floor area permitted in any district.
(2) FAR may be increased with transfer of development rights; see Chapter 18.18 for details.
(3) Landscape coverage may be provided above the ground-floor. If standard is not specified, refer to base district regulations.
(4) Where no maximum density is provided in terms of du/ac, maximum density shall be determined by estimating the realistic development capacity of the site based on the objective development standards applicable to the project. Where noted, refer to Housing Element Appendix D: Sites Inventory for specified densities.
Table 2
GM/ROLM Focus Area Development Standards for Housing Development Projects Only
Base Zoning District | Max. FAR | Min. Land- scape Covera ge | Max. Lot Covera ge | Residential Density (du/ac)(2) |
Max. Height | Min. Resi- dential Parking Ratios | Other Develop- ment Standards | ||
Residential | Total (3) |
Min. | Max. | ||||||
GM (Focus Area, Figure 1) | 2.5 | 2.5 | 20%(1) |
70% | 40 | None; 90 du/ac antici- pated | 60 | 1 space per studio/ 1-bed; 1.5 spaces per 2-bed+ | See base district regulatio ns: 18.20.040 |
GM (Other Opportun ity Sites) | 1.5 | 1.5 | 30%(1) |
70% | 25 | None; see HE Appendi x D for antici- pated densities | See 18.20.040 | No change | |
ROLM (Focus Area, Figure 1) | 2.5 | 2.5 | 20%(1) |
70% | 40 | None;90 du/ac antici- pated | 60 | 1 space per studio/ 1-bed; 1.5 spaces per 2-bed+ | |
ROLM (Other Opportun ity Sites) | 1.5 | 1.5 | (1)
70% | 25 | None; 50 du/ac antici- pated | 45 | No change |
(1) Landscape coverage may be provided above the ground-floor. If standard is not specified, refer to base district regulations.
(2) These sites do not provide a maximum density in terms of du/ac; however, anticipated densities have been determined by estimating the realistic development capacity of the site based on the objective development standards applicable to the project. Where referenced, the densities specified in Housing Element Appendix D: Sites Inventory represent anticipated densities based on realistic development capacities.
(3) Nothing in this table increases the non-residential floor area permitted in any district.

Table 3
Site- Specific Development Standards (Stanford-Owned Sites & El Camino Real Focus Area)
Location | Pasteur Dr. & 1100 Welch Rd. (1)(3) (Figure 2) | El Camino Real Focus Area(1) (Figure 3) |
Minimum Front Setback | 15 feet | See base district regulations |
Minimum Setback | See base district regulations: 18.13.040 | See base district regulations, except: For sites with a property line abutting a low density residential (RE, R2, or RMD) or R1 single family residential district: 20 feet |
Maximum FAR | 3.5 (Total) | 4.0 (Total) |
Maximum Site/Landscape Coverage | (2) | (2) |
Maximum Lot Coverage | 60% | 70% |
Maximum Density (du/ac) | None | None |
Maximum Height(6) | 85 | 85 |
Daylight Plan | Sand Hill Rd. frontage only: initial height 60 feet above grade at the Sand Hill Rd. setback line and a 45-degree angle | See base district regulations for standards for daylight planes |
Height Transitions | n/a | Within 100 ft. of low density residential (RE, R2, or RMD) or R1 single family zone district property line: 35 ft. Between 100 and 150 ft. of low density or R1 zone district property line: 45 ft. |
Upper Story Step Back | None | El Camino Real frontage above 55 feet in height: minimum 6 foot step- back from lower facade, for a minimum 70% of the facade length; and average setback from the property line for the entire facade shall be 20 feet(7). See Figure 4. |
Open Space | 100 sq. ft./unit (any combination of common and/or private) | 100 sq. ft./unit (any combination of common and/or private) |
Minimum Residential Parking(5) | 0.5 spaces/unit | 1 space/unit (Per AB2097: 1 space/unit within ½ mile of Caltrain) |
Other Development Standards | See base district regulations: 18.13.040 | See base district regulations |
Design Criteria/Standards | Architectural Review and compliance with either Objective Deign Standards pursuant to Chapter 18.24 or Context-Based Design Criteria pursuant to base district regulations(4). | |
(1) Site locations as defined in the 2023-2031 Housing Element.
(2) Permitted above the ground-floor. If standard is not specified, refer to base district regulations.
(3) Housing may be developed in phases and individual phases may not meet all standards. However, upon completion the project as a whole must conform to these standards. Individual parcels shall be deed restricted to address standards that are met in aggregate, but not on a parcel-by-parcel basis. In addition, for each phase, the applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Director, that the overall site is capable of meeting all standards upon completion of the project as a whole.
(4) Except, the following objective design standards shall be modified to meet the realistic capacity identified in the Housing Element:
(a) 18.24.050(b)(5): Diversity of Housing Types shall not apply.
(b) 18.24.060(b)(7): Parking/Loading/Utilities, shall be replaced with the following standard: Above grade structured parking levels facing a public right-of-way or publicly accessible open space/path with the exception of vehicular alleys, shall compose no more than 50% of any public frontage. Garage facades fronting on public right-of-way shall be screened with decorative architectural screening (e.g. perforated metal panels, murals), lined with habitable uses, or screened with landscaping (e.g., green wall, climbing vines).
(5) Projects providing fewer than 50% of the parking spaces that would be required under Section 18.52.040 shall develop and implement a transportation demand management plan containing, at a minimum: free transit passes for residents; and provision of outlets appropriate spaced for e-bike charging at 20% of bicycle parking spaces.
(6) Railings and parapets shall be excluded from height calculations in this Table 3 only to the extent they are required for health and safety standards in Titles 15 and 16 of this code.
(7) Average setback from the property line may be calculated by taking the area between the property line and the upper facade. This area, in square feet, shall be greater than or equal to the facade length multiplied by 20. Example: 200-foot facade length x 20-foot average setback + minimum 4,000 sq. ft. area of setback per floor. For purposes of this calculation, portions of the upper facade with a setback greater than 40 feet shall be treated as if the facade is located at 40 feet from the property line. For purposes of this calculation, roof projections and eaves up to four feet in depth shall be excluded.
Figure 2: Pasteur Drive Focus Area

Figure 3: El Camino Real Focus Area

Figure 4: Upper Story Step Back (El Camino Real Focus Area)
portions of buildings more than 49 feet from the property line shall be counted as 40 feet

Figure 4b

(Ord. 5634 §3, 2024): Ord. 5608 §2 (part), 2024)