Terms of office on the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be three years. Commission appointments shall be staggered so that in each three-year cycle three members are appointed to serve during the first year, four members are appointed to serve during the second year, and no members are appointed to serve during the third year. Effective January 1, 2022, terms of office due to expire on December 15 of each year shall be extended to expire on March 31 of the following year, and thereafter terms of office shall commence on April 1. Effective January 1, 2025, terms of office due to expire on March 31 of each year shall be extended to expire on October 31 of the same year, and thereafter terms of office shall commence on November 1. If a successor is unavailable, a member may remain in office until his or her successor is appointed, subject to the limits in Section 2.16.080.
(Ord. 5643 § 5, 2025: Ord. 5529 § 9, 2021: Ord. 5311 § 5, 2015: Ord. 5208 § 18, 2013: Ord. 4587 § 2 (part), 1999)
Each year, at the first regular meeting of the parks and recreation commission, the commission shall nominate and elect one of its members as the chairperson. The chairperson shall hold office for one year and until his or her successor is elected, unless his or her term as a member of the commission expires earlier.
(Ord. 4587 § 2 (part), 1999)
(a) The purpose of the parks and recreation commission shall be to advise the city council on matters relating to the activities of the open space, parks and golf division and the recreation division of the community services department, excluding daily administrative operations.
(b) The commission shall have the following duties:
(1) Advise the city council on planning and policy matters pertaining to:
(A) The goals of and the services provided by the open space, parks and golf division and the recreation division of the community services department.
(B) The future delivery of services by the open space, parks and golf division and the recreation division of the community services department.
(C) The city manager’s recommendations pertaining to the disposition of major gifts of money, personal property and real property to the city to be used for open space, parks, golf and recreation activities.
(D) The construction and renovation of capital facilities of the open space, parks and golf division and the recreation division of the community services department.
(E) Joint action projects with other public or private parks, open space and recreation entities.
(2) Review state legislative proposals that may affect the operation of the open space, parks and golf division and recreation division of the community services department.
(3) Review the city manager’s proposed budget for capital improvements and operations relating to the open space, parks and golf division and recreation division of the community services department, and thereafter forward any comments to one or more of the applicable committees of the city council.
(4) Provide advice upon such other matters as the city council may from time to time assign.
(5) Receive community input concerning parks, open space and recreation activities.
(6) Review and comment on fund-raising efforts on behalf of the open space, parks and golf division and recreation division of the community services department.
(7) Serve as a community forum for urban forestry matters and provide feedback, recommendations, and interpretations to City Council on the Urban Forest Master Plan and other associated policies.
(c) The parks and recreation commission shall not have the power or authority to cause the expenditure of city funds or to bind the city to any written or implied contract.
(Ord. 5557 § 10, 2022: Ord. 5431 § 3, 2018: Ord. 4587 § 2 (part), 1999)