There is created a human relations commission composed of seven members who are not council members, officers or employees of the city, who are residents of the city, and who shall be appointed by the city council.
(Ord. 5583 § 2, 2023: Ord. 5503 § 2 (part), 2020: Ord. 2924 § 1, 1976: Ord. 2537 (part), 1969: Ord. 2485 § 1 (part), 1969)
Terms of office on the Human Relations Commission shall be three years. Effective January 1, 2022, terms of office due to expire on May 31 of each year shall be extended to expire on the March 31 of the following year, and thereafter terms of office shall commence on April 1. Effective January 1, 2025, terms of office due to expire on March 31 of each year shall be extended to expire on October 31 of the same year, and thereafter terms of office shall commence on November 1. If a successor is unavailable, a member may remain in office until his or her successor is appointed, subject to the limits in Section 2.16.080.
(Ord. 5643 § 4, 2025: Ord. 5529 § 7, 2021: Ord. 5503 § 2 (part), 2020: Ord. 5354 § 4, 2015: Ord. 5208 § 13, 2013: Ord. 3355, 1982: Ord. 2537 (part), 1969: Ord. 2485 § 1 (part), 1969)
(a) The commission shall elect one of its members chairperson who shall hold office for one year and until a successor is elected unless the chairperson’s term as a member of the commission sooner expires.
(b) The Human Relations Commission shall establish a regular time, date and place of meeting and shall ordinarily hold meetings monthly. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or by any four members of the commission upon personal notice being given to all members or by written notice being mailed to each member twenty-four hours prior to such meeting unless such notice requirement is waived in writing.
(c) Four of the seven members shall constitute a quorum and the affirmative votes of a majority of members present are required to take any action.
(d) The commission may establish ad hoc committees of up to three commission members for advisory and investigative purposes. The commission shall, by majority vote, appoint members of ad hoc committees.
(Ord. 5632 § 2, 2024: Ord. 5503 § 2 (part), 2020: Ord. 5431 § 1, 2018: Ord. 2537 (part), 1969: Ord. 2485 § 1 (part), 1969)
(a) The human relations commission has the discretion to act with respect to any human relations matter when the commission finds that any person or group does not benefit fully from public or private opportunities or resources in the community, or is unfairly or differently treated due to factors of concern to the commission.
(1) Public or private opportunities or resources in the community include, but are not limited to, those associated with ownership and rental of housing, employment, education and governmental services and benefits.
(2) Factors of concern to the commission include, but are not limited to, socioeconomic class or status, physical condition or handicap, married or unmarried state, emotional condition, intellectual ability, age, sex, sexual preference, gender identity, race, cultural characteristics, ethnic background, ancestry, citizenship, and religious, conscientious or philosophical belief.
(b) The commission shall conduct such studies and undertake such responsibilities as the council may direct.
(Ord. 5431 § 2, 2018: Ord. 2813 § 1, 1974: Ord. 2485 § 1 (part), 1969)