(a)    A person who violates a standard of conduct set forth in a section or chapter of the Oxford Codified Ordinances listed below is liable for the civil fine specified in Section 507.02.
*    311.03         Toy Vehicles on Streets
*    311.04         Use of Streets for Amusement, Play or Sports
*    313.05         Pedestrian Control Signal
*    331.12C    U-turns Restricted
*    331.42A&B Littering from Motor Vehicle
*    331.43A    Wearing Earplugs or Earphones Prohibited
*    335.10         Expired Plates
*    337 Chapter    Safety and Equipment
*    339.08C    Loads Dropping or Leaking, Removal Required; Tracking Mud
*    371.01B    Right of Way in Crosswalk (Pedestrian Action Creating Hazard)
*    371.03A,C.D   Crossing Roadway Outside of Crosswalk, Diagonal Crossings at Intersections
*    373.06A    Lights & Reflectors on Bicycles; Brakes
*    373.07A    Riding Bicycles on Right Side of Roadway; Obedience to Traffic Rules; Passing
*    373.08         Bicycle Riding; Rollerblading and Skateboarding Riding Regulations
*    373.11A    Paths Exclusively for Bicycles
*    505.01A-D    Dogs and Other Animals Running at Large
*    505.03         Annual Registration of Dogs
*    505.09      Barking or Howling Dogs
*    505.15A1,2,3   Dog Nuisances
*    505.16      Feeding of Wildlife Prohibited
*    509.10      Noise Restrictions
*    509.13      Nuisance Party Regulations
*    Chapter 521     Health, Safety and Sanitation
*    529.07      Open Container Prohibited
*    Chapter 725      Taxicabs
*    Chapter 729     Vendors and Solicitors
*    921.42      Tampering
*    921.43      Unlawful Hydrant Use or Connections
*    931.08      Scavenging on Private Premises
*    1151.04      Signs on Public Property
*    1511.05   Open Burning; Recreational Fires; Portable Outdoor Fireplaces
*    1519.04      Fireworks - Possession, Sale or Discharge Prohibited
   (b)    A City officer or employee of the Oxford Police Department or Public Safety Assistant charged with the enforcement of the Oxford Codified Ordinances may as authorized issue a civil citation, a uniformed traffic citation or a misdemeanor citation for a violation of any section listed in this Section, depending on the type of offense and the totality of the circumstances.
(Ord. 3420. Passed 8-1-17.)