Water Traffic
381.01    Definitions.
381.02    Speed limit.
381.03    Reckless operation.
381.04    Operating under influence of alcohol, drugs prohibited; evidence.
381.05    Operation while mentally or physically incapacitated.
381.06    Equipment.
381.07    Compliance with Coast Guard rules.
381.08    Boat operation.
381.09    Water skiing.
381.10    Skin diving.
381.11    Abandoned boats and motors.
381.12    Health and conduct rules to be observed.
381.13    Garbage disposal.
381.14    Regattas, races, marine parades, special events.
381.15    Fire signal.
381.16    Blowing of horns on boats.
381.17    Tampering offenses.
381.99    Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C . 1547.61
State licensing provisions - see Ohio R.C. 1547.51
Unauthorized use of a vehicle - see GEN. OFF. 545.06